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Which part of the world you meant exactly? I can't see where you come from.
Ian - thanks for the picture of G. platyphyllus. The climate in Latvia sounds as though it must be much more suited to it! Also Fritillaria alburyana (just one example) is 'not very difficult in the garden here' (Popova and Ruckšāns 2014 catalogue!). G. platyphyllus is added to my wants list along with a regular supply of ice cubes for spring!
My G. platyphyllus is now showing white. I was advised to grow it in an open sunny, swampy position. It's in a pot and has been regularly drenched since snowmelt in East Anglia (ha ha). Perhaps I didn't start quite early enough?
Mine's in bud, plunged in sand, shaded by its neighbours.
Mine's in bud, plunged in sand, shaded by its neighbours. Oooops..
I´m living in the very west of Germany, near the Dutch border. The early forms of Galanthus elwesii var. monostictus flowered at the usual time, whereas Kyre Park and other early selections of G.e. var. elwesii started flowering later than the years before. So did Three Ships and, for instance, John Long. The latter started 2013 in early January and lasted for 8 weeks, this season only 3 weeks after beginning in mid February.