Hello everyone,
slowly I will share my collection with others here. Mostly by sharing seeds, but sometimes also plants. Now I have some nicely coloured self sown Aconitum lycoctonum subsp. vulparia. There are many seedlings of that species in my garden, which made me give the maternal plant away. It was simply growing too well in my conditions. It set a lot of seeds and also a lot of them germinated. Some of those seedlings have a kind like "variegate" leafs, but yellowish instead of white. It seems that this feature is permanent and each seedling with that mutation is different. I even have almost pure yellow leafed one, which I will keep for future seeds.
I am offering plants showed on below photos. One person can have one plant only. When other seedlings will grow up (and there are a few more) I will also offer some of them. To this form I can offer seedlings of a regular one too. I just need to get rid of those plants, otherwise they would overgrow that entire spot I I grow them on.
Please write me which one you like. Three first people will be the lucky ones. About postage I will speak individually.