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Hello Tom ,thank you for your answer .I'm far away to say for shure this is sicula or lutea or a hybrid ....Sternbergia are so confusing .In the Sternbergia 2008 topic are pics from Arthur ( page 3 ) ....they looks for me similar to your plant .It is really interesting that such plants grows also on Lesbos ....and not only one Crete !Not only the stripe ( maybe a reflection ) is it why I have doubt - it is also the form of the leaves ....
Panaji, Goa?
Well, I found Sternbergias in flower somewhere quite unexpected while on holidays last month. (Attachment Link) (Attachment Link) I'll offer a prize to whoever can guess where (nearest town or landmark) the pics were taken. cheersfermi
Sternbergia colchiciflora is in flower now in many parts of north Israel.Some photos taken last week.I have been growing this species for the last 7 years, they flower beautifully every year.....under the soil level!!! and so i get only seedpods regularly but can never enjoy visible flowers.