I certainly don't know those details so they will remain in my garden as zauschnerias.
Here, here!
Whilst common names (Lily of the Valley Tree/Bush, Morning Glory be just two examples) are too vague to have any meaning, the constant reclassification of plants only has real meaning to botanists or those who have nothing better to do than constantly check their collection for up to date names. Iochroma australis is now Acnistus australis, but if I use that name on a forum people think that you've discovered something new. You then tell them that it is in fact Iochroma australis and you just end up looking like a pretentious "Billy No Mates"! Hence my Iochroma australis will remain so until such times as the new classification becomes the norm, as with Allium sicilum.
Of course, reclassification is manna from heaven to marketing men. My rather common Iochroma australis can now be marketed as a "rare Acnistus australis"!!!!
Anyroads, as that was almost a rant it's time for a few pictures to redeem myself

Seems appropriate to start with Ledebouria socialis! A most forgiving plant that is quite happy outdoors as a table ornament in the summer, it will bloom its heart out as long as the slugs are kept away from it...................

My Fuchsia on the whole have been unhappy this summer and they've just grown without trying to bloom, but the recent cooling down has finally kicked them into life. By the back door I have Hawkshead and David...................

Sat on the kitchen roof is Koralle Fulgens (?) which has done well this year, especially as it was outdoors in a sheltered spot all winter...............

Also up in the roof is Salvia discolor (probably the best doer that I have in my garden)...................

One of my favourites this year has been Caiophora hibiscifolia.....................

Finally, Nicotiana glauca has been a bit of a star this year........................