68th SRGC Seed Exchange 2014-2015 We hope that many of you have already, or are just about to contribute seed to the SRGC Seed Exchange
Please send the seed to arrive Stuart Pawley BEFORE the 31st October - you can email him a list in advance of seed you are sending if you suspect it may be late in arriving. All details are below.
Your contribution the the Seed Ex. is much appreciated.
The Seed Exchange online ordering system will go "live" probably in late November - there will be a post here and on the main site when that happens.
Online ordering means your requests are clearly received by the seed team and makes the listing of seed included to you in order to comply with overseas regulations much more simple, and removes the need for members to make those lists when ordering.
As in previous years, in the online system there will be the chance to "click" to search info/images on the seeds offered, to help with those species with which you may be unfamiliar.Those preferring to order by post may do so and still enter the system to make their payment.
Other Notes:
Seed exchange charges remain unchanged
As was the case in 2013-14, all members will have to pay for all seed requests.
We have decided to keep the rates unchanged; this means that all members will pay £5,
€7 or $10 for their main seed request in 2014-15, and the same for each order of
25 packets in the surplus distribution. Full details of how to pay will be included in
the Seed List and online, and you can pay online for both online and paper
requests. We can only accept cheques in sterling from a UK bank, and can accept
sterling, Euros or US dollars in cash.
Autumn 2014 Seed DonationsPlease send seed donations, individually packaged per variety, preferably in a
paper envelope, and cleaned of all seed cases, debris, insects, etc to:-
Prof. Stuart Pawley, Acres of Keillour, Methven, Perth, Scotland, UK, PH1 3RA. Please include your name and address and a clearly written alphabetical list
of the seed you are sending. Please don’t be put off if you only have a small
amount of seed of a species, or only a few species to send - it may be the small
amount of seed that no-one else has, and that someone would love to have.
The deadline for seed to arrive at Stuart’s door is 31st October 2014.If you have “late maturing” seed that cannot be sent until later, please send the
information about this as early as possible and before 31st October, to Stuart at
Send the list in the text of an e-mail, not as an attachment. Stuart can’t afford a computer virus at this critical time. It is important to send the information early so we can produce the seed list in good time. Please send late seed as soon as you can.
Seed ListsAll donors and overseas members (with a postal subscription)will receive a seed list by post automatically. Orders may be made online or by post.
Home non-donors should request a list from Stuart Pawley, and send a C5 stamped
addressed envelope to him. Last date for requesting a list is 14th December.
The seed list will be available from mid-November, and will go online at the same time;
all members can browse and order online as well as by post.The online seed password is included in the paper version of the Secretary's pages and in the Journal.
Those members receiving their Journals by post need to REGISTER by first accessing the system via the password printed in Journal 133 (on page 5)-
Important Notice : A mistake has been made in the password printed in the Journal: the first two letters there should be in upper case, the next four in lower case - the password in the printed seedlist is correct........ after that they enter their full details and choose a personal password and will activate their seed accounts. If the activation email does not appear to arrive, please check the spam filter online on your email provider's site - such automated emails can be caught up in that way by some providers and some customers of hotmail and gmail may not receive these automated emails. Once they have activated their accounts, postal members need to LOG IN with ther membership numbers and the personal password they have chosen.
Those members holding an "E-subscription", who only access their Journals online, need only LOG IN with their e-number and the personal password they use to access journals.
Seed PacketingSeed packeting will be done during November / early December. Ian Pryde would
be grateful to hear from any UK member willing to volunteer to packet seeds.
Full instructions and guidance will be provided; details from Ian Pryde on 01875
615185 or 07746 298334 or at ipryde@btinternet.com
Seed Distribution: early 2015From 2014-15, we have a new Seed Distribution Team. After twelve years of
superb service to the Club, the Edinburgh Group is taking a well-earned break.
Our very grateful thanks and congratulations go to them for managing the distribution
so well for so long; they have done a fantastic job.
In 2014-15, the South-West Scotland Group will be a taking on the Distribution role, and the Club is very grateful to them for picking up the baton.
Full details of the arrangements for ordering seed will be included in the seed list and on the website. Seed requests must reach the new Seed Request Manager, Neil McNulty by 15th January. We cannot guarantee to meet requests received later. The South-West Scotland Rock
Garden Group will begin seed distribution in early January; we aim to have all
main requests completed by January 18th.
Donors’ seed requests are completed first, on the basis of their donation record.
Donating more seed and for more years moves you up the list. Non-donors and
surplus seed requests will be dealt with in order of their arrival date with Neil
Surplus seed distribution will not begin until all main requests are
completed; and not before Jan. 18th, so members will receive their main and
surplus requests a few weeks apart.
We hope to complete surplus distribution by the first weekend in February.
Please do not enquire about the whereabouts of seed requests until after 5th February; queries should be addressed to
Neil McNulty, 6 Main Rd, Crookedholm, Kilmarnock, KA3 6JT, Scotland, UK.
neil.mcnultysrgcseedexchange@talktalk.netUS MembersUS members must have a ‘Small Lots of Seeds’ permit, which is issued by APHIS.
You can find details of how to get a permit at:
This must be a ‘small lots’ permit, as this does not require UK phytosanitary
You must enclose a copy of the permit and conditions and a green/yellow customs
label for each order - one for a main order, and one for each surplus order of 50
If you order online, you must still post the permit documents and labels to Neil
McNulty (or you may send them to Stuart Pawley with your seed donation). You
can copy your permit as many times as you need. Please ensure your permit is still
valid before you send copies to us; the permits are valid for three years.
We must stress that “no permit, no seed” is the SRGC rule! We will do our best to
get everyone their seed, but it must be in compliance with USDA regulations.