For most of this year I resisted tipping the pot of
Conophyllum obcordellum v. rolfii into the bin. It didn't look too healthy at the start of the year and when it went into dormancy the old dry skin looked totally empty. Then the ugly duckling shed its skin and presented me with a swan. Now it's looking extremely healthy and promising the emergence of a flower. Well ok the plant may be a little on the small size ( app 1cm sq) but many good things come in small packages.
Whilst looking at a Harlequin patrolling the plants MrsG spotted this little red dot scuttling down the stem of a Linaria. We eventually coaxed it off the plant onto my hand to grab a photo or two. Switching to macro and observing the screen I realised it was a weevil. ( Yes it's that small).
For a size comparison here it is on a finger.
Then all the time I'm looking at the photos on the computer I can't help thinking "Clangers"
Apion frumentariumClangersI can't say I've ever seen one of these before.