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The first Sandersii of the season for me. One I found by a stream near Old Bewick Northumberland.John(M)
'Three Ships' is one of those classic snowdrops that we once had but never established - must try it again, especially to get more early forms going in the garden. Most of these are normally a little later, or from a few flowers only just beginning.The four taller and larger flowers at the rear (from left to right):-'Reverend Hailstone' (very good early variety given to us by David and Anke Way)elwesii var. monostictus (ex. Kath Dryden, originally listed as caucasicus 'Late Form'. Excellent plant)elwesii 'Mrs McNamara' (nice tall and striking early New Year variety that has been pictured a few times)plicatus 'Colossus' (not so colossal, but normally about the earliest of these)In the middle-back with a typically yellowish ovary:-'Sutton Courtenay' (this does stand out when it clumps up well in the garden - a little way to go with us)In the front (from left to right):-'Richard Ayres' (super double)plicatus 'Roger's Rough' (flower still to open - named for Richard Bird's garden and a good compact well flowered plant)nivalis 'Anglesey Abbey' (green leaves, tending to poculiform, really distinctive form)elwesii 'Kyre Park' (new to us but a very nice well marked double)woronowii (quite an early clump of this, well worth growing in more variety)plicatus 'Gerard Parker' (really superb garden plant which self-seeds and is named after one of the most eminent Galanthophiles of past years)Several of these came from the Myddelton House event last year, not so hard for those living way down in the south-east to get to; (some very nice strong looking plants like 'Diggory' and 'Wasp' still to look forward to from here last year). No virescent or yellows flowering yet, and not many of these in the garden either!
Fine triple Mark. Not only bad winter weather.......May I use the pics of GO for a lecture please?
Mark - is Godfrey Owen usually so early? Or is it because it is under cover?
Another nice snowdrop which may have come from Ian Christie is 'Mona'