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CYCLAMEN WATERING REGIMESHere's post I made recently in another thread but thought I should try it here. "I wonder if I've made a mistake? I got this idea in my head that I would take out the grit and hortag, on which my pots stand, from my greenhouse benching and line them with polythene and stand the pots on capillary matting. I even ordered the matting and it came today but now I'm having second thoughts!The major reason why I thought I might change is that given the number of pots of Primulas I have (over 185) and the time it takes me to look after them something else doesn't get the attention it deserves. This year it has been my ever growing Cyclamen collection. I don't have the time to water them from the bottom and I'm very careful when watering from the top to not over-water. I've not, so far, suffered any losses to tubers rotting but my plants leaves do die back very early. So, I thought, change to clay pots and stand them on capillary matting.Am I on the right lines or should stick to grit and hortag? Views for and against welcomed."Also another Cyclamen watering issue. Should I start to water the Spring flowering species at the same time I start to water the Autumn flowerers or leave them until later?
Why is it sitting on top of the soil?
Many years ago around 25 I guess, there was a plant in cultivation called cyclamen hederifolum ' Daley Thompson'. It was listed at the time by Roger poulett of Chichester and described as a very vigorous white form with flowers at least 3 times larger than normal. Does anyone still grow it I wonder. In view of the ongoing research by the cyclamen society into hederifolum and crassifolium it would be of great interest. It is possible that it is just a vigorous hederifolum or possibly crassifolium but there is also the slimmest chance it may have originated in crete and turn out to be the elusive white form of confusum now that would be something special. The cyclamen society will be sending leaves for analysis this autumn if we could include this just out of curiosity the result could be very interesting. Can anyone help.
Does anyone know how to contact the publication secretary or or anyone knowledgable of the publication sales of the Cyclamen society? I ordered and paid for books in February but it seem my money went into space.Thank you