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The allioniis are getting going here now, this one is P. allionii Rosemary
Do all these Primula named with a single female forename, like 'Rosemary', come from anyone/where in particular? I have x pubescens 'Christine' and also a 'Jenny'. Strikes me that it could be a breeder's naming system?
I think "Jenny" was named after Jenny Archibald so I'd agree it is various breeders that these are coming from.
I know Brian Burrow named a lot after his children/relatives - Martin and Dreena Thompson always name theirs Lindum - AIRE series was Peter Lister - not sure about Wharfedale series and Broadwell series
Mark's Primula allionii 'Rosemary': F2 from P. 'Mary Berry' raised originally by Margaret Earle under HME 238/85Matt's Primula allionii 'Jenny': The good news that it was indeed originally named by Jim Archibald from his collection JCA 4161/23. The bad news that there is another 'Jenny' in circulation also.Sources for both above National Auricula and Primula Society, Northern Section (I was going to copy and paste a Link here but, annoyingly, every so often my ability to copy and paste things disappears). The data can be found by accessing 'Allionii Data' from the top of the Northern Section pages, the Northern Section pages are best found from the NAPS main page. Sorry to make it complicated.Matt's P. x pubescens 'Christine' ""A very fine and distinctive variety. it is unfortunate that many of the plants masquerading under this name are in fact either 'Boothman's Var.' or something similar. The true plant has very rich pink thrum-eyed flowers, that fade slightly to a dark old rose. The veins on the petals tend to be slightly raised giving a textured appearance. The leaves are pale green, evenly and lightly serrated.......""Source: "Primulas the complete guide" by the late Mary A Robinson published Crowood 1994One of the problems in the Primula growing world is that so many of them are very, very similar in appearance, growth habit etc (Where have I heard that before!!). NAPS has a regulatory function as far as it's members are concerned in that members entering plants in seedling classes and winning prizes are then, and only then invited to name their plant(s).