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Unfortunately an old patch of Eranthis hyemalis have succumbed to Smut. I have removed and disposed of them and my question really concerns any seedlings that might come through. Are they similarly likely to be infected, in which case should I get rid of them at first sight?Fortunately they are all well away from the part of the garden which has the 'specials' - sigh of relief!
I have recently recieved some E. Longistipitata bulbils from Vlastimil Pilous, I looked on Google to read up on them, while I was on there I noticed that E.cilicica which is widely available over here is also from Asia, how come that species is so we'll know and available and none of the other Asian species aren't? All I can say is thanks goodness for Vlastimil and Janis for making these superb plants available to us.
Seedlings that come through will very likely be infected too, Brian. The fungal-spores stay in the soil for 7 - 10 years. You did the right thing by throwing them away.
Would you suggest any method for disinfecting the soil, Wim, or is there nothing available to private gardeners?
Well if there is nothing available I shall just have to keep digging the seedlings up and disposing of them. What a trial