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Next are 3 pics from mount Ossa in Central Greece at 1650 m taken on September 13th 2015. They are Colchicum binovae.bivonaeI have Colchicum bivonae from a nearby mountain from 600 m. It is quite different. It is basically white - slightly pink with heavy dotting. In my garden in lowland Greece it flowers in late October. I hope that it will flower this year.Goerge
I would like to show you recent pics of colchicum species growing in the wild in Central and Northern Greece.Pics 225, 231, 255 and 266, Colchicum sp from 700-900 m in Central Pindus photographed in October 4 2015Can anyone identify the species. From literature it appears to be a subspecies of neopolitanum. It is slightly tessalated.George Papapolymerou