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Anything is possible John. Certainly leaf markings, hairs, pustules develop more as the bulbs age (never write off 'poorly' pustulated forms of pustulata (or longipes if that is what we are supposed to call it now) until year 3 - they do improve).Usually seedlings of pustulata/longipes that have a faint purple cast in year 1 go on to have pronounced, sometimes blotchy, purple colouring on the newly developing leaves when mature.That said - I've never seen this tesselated pattern before and I've raised hundreds of Massonia seedlings. Nearest I've seen to it are forms of depressa with purple markings - though these don't seem to have the same regularity of pattern. I don't recall the tesselation being so pronounced last year, when the bulb was still too small to flower.
Impressive plants after two years, Rimmer.Can I ask what treatment/feed you have given them and when? Presumably you moved them into individual pots after the first year.Thanks, Chris
Hi Chrisi started each seed lot in a 3 to 6" pot, inside initially with a sandwich baggie on top, then when the green shows the baggie was removed and the pots were placed about 6-8" below a fixture of 4x 4' T-5 53 watt 6400K,fluorescent T5 grow lights (very bright) near a basement window with a 6" fan blowing when the lights are one. the temps was 50-75 deg F (day- night). My mix was left over seed mix from many used pots. essentially builders sand- a dirty local sand with small limestone and other rounded glacier pebbles, sand and fines, plus some bonemeal, turface, granite chips probable some peat moss or leaf mold for organics. these plants need to be kept rather wet during the growing season under these lights which put out a bit of heat. i posted photos of their progress in prior SRGS forums on massonias. here is one prior post: thing i learned in growing these is not to use osmocote. it puts the plants into premature dormancy when it gets warm under the lights . i donated most of the seedlings to the Pacific Bulb Society BX 385 when i potted them into these pots in late August. new mix this past August was essentially the same.
Massonia jasminiflora - sumptuous!
Two questions about Massonia, first I am running my Massonias quite lean and wonder if I should be fertilizing and with what? Lastly, do Massonias offset underground? I ask as I have had a couple of small shoots arise 3-5cm from the mother plants. All were individually potted in August and not a chance multiples went into any of the single pots.john