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Your picture of 'M.depressa' from NARGS seed is certainly not depressa though. My guess is that this is more likely to be a hybrid. And I don't think depressa is in its parentage. It looks like pustulata/longipes possibly crossed with echinata, though it is hard to be certain. The flowers resemble a plant going around as 'M.aff echinata', which has relatively small inflorescences but very large tumbleweed fruits and large plain leaves with a weird rough rubbery texture. I'd be interested to see the fruit next spring.
One of my Massonia echinata, raised from seed, has turned out with a variegated leaf. haven't seen this on a Massonia before - has anyone else seen examples? I'm not overly fond of variegation generally, but I thought this was reasonably appealing.PaulMassonia echinata variegated form
Thank you DarrenAll these came from the same seed batch from a single donor. Do you think the smoothe ones with the roundish leafed are truer M. depressa ?
Hi Darren on of the round smooth leaved massonia flowers opened and it does have different flowers and looks like its namesake Massonia depressa.