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- below is Tatsuo's clone of the same plant growing in Yorkshire this morning.
My goodness, my heart nearly jumped out of my chest! All right, you may now laugh - below is Tatsuo's clone of the same plant growing in Yorkshire this morning.
That clone seems to combine the attributes of var petunioides and (no longer valid) var clusii, a flat corona with upward facing flowers!
I think both have upward facing flowers, Fermi
Tatsuo, what kind of potting mixture do you use for your bulbs?
This is the form of Narcissus cantabricus var petunioides I grew from seed many years ago (and sadly lost ) which had outward facing flowers with much less scalloping on the corona,
What proportion of charcoal chips do you use? I presume it's only a small part of the mix?
Wonderful cantabricus and petunioides, Tatsuo.Narcissus albidus ex SF110 again. I have 5 bulbs with 6 flowers from 4 of them. The one in the centre has a smaller flower but with a rolled back edge to the corona.Narcissus cantabricusNarcissus 'Mitimoto' and Narcissus bulbocodium flowering in the garden