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Very nice, Emilio - good to see you back here.
For comparison with Tatsuo's tiny gem here is one of our pots of Narcisus cantabricus petunioides, the flowers will be the same size but our stems are ten times longer,
He remained nicely compact here too Ian, so those short scapes would be a great trait to pass on. The colour is rather nice too. Following the theme of this weeks Bulb Log, it's a plant you could easily pick out of an anonymous line up no trouble at all. I dabbed pollen on 3 occasions each a couple of days apart and in reasonable weather. I'll not give up! Will have to try again next year.
Today I bring my Narcissus bulbocodium ssp. bulbocodium var. ectandrum from my town in the mountains of central Spain. It has flourished yesterday in Germany, where I live.
Thank you for that, Emilio - I wonder if those names are still valid today?
The latest version (Oct '14) of the RHS Botanical Classification still lists this plant as N. b. subsp. bulbocodium var ectandrus:, the Plant List has it as a synonym of Narcissus nivalis (which it has elevated to species status): authorities differ Emilio's plant appears to be very similar to what I grow as N.(bulbocodium) nivalis.