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Luit, there's only one chrysanthus forming permanent extra petals: Goldmine!I don't think my or the one of our friend will show the same feature next year.If it does, it is well worth separating!!!
Armin and Martin, it seems you are having the same sunny weather on your Crocuses.They are beautiful. The only difference is that you in a smaller garden can wait for a moment without wind.I'm a bit jealous because on the field where I take the pictures is always wind! Those seedlings are stunning Martin!Armin, some of yours I saw today on the field, like C. chrys. Fuscotinctus and such a bunch in the grass is much more beautiful!
And now some special cultivars (most no longer available in trade) and species:- biflorus ssp alexandrii "Major"- chrysanthus "Spring Pearl" - first year in my garden, but looks like this will become one of my favourites