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From Peter K. : " a picture of what we grew as Trillium kurabayashi. (There was a query that we had such rapid growth of this species - the plant shown would have been in its fourth season). I tend to accept John Mattingley's identification (Plants were raised from seed from Cluny) but it would be good to have members' opinions." (Attachment Link) Trillium kurabayashi
What are the distinguishing features Herman?I struggle to tell TT. kurabayashii & chloropetalum apart.
Very lovely, Herman- if you ever have a few seeds to spare, I would be most grateful to have some!
Ashley have you seen the pdf that I have made? and download plants for exchange.
I use my nose to identify Trillium kurabayashii. In my garden, a T. chloropetalum flower has a pleasant scent, while a T. kurabayashii flower has a chemical smell like turpentine.