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Trillium stamineum in the garden yesterday.
I'am just back from a holliday in Toscany in Italy. Dave beautiful picture from T. stamineum. In our garden the clump of stamineum is very slow growing.
Thanks HermanNot sure how quickly T.stamineum will increase here as the plant shown was a recent gift from a friend ,although I have a potful of 2nd year seedlings around here somewhere that were easy enough to raise from seed.Some late Trilliums from this arvo ..T. cuneatum yellow where the dark markings remain on the leaves for such a long time.Another T. vaseyii picotee hybrid .Large flowers of Trillium erectum x flexipes with lovely veining .T. erectum hybrid .
Hi Dave, does your Trillium cuneatum yellow smells like banana?
No Herman, just a faint spicy ? fragrance like some of my other T. cuneatums .
Dave I asked it because different species have different scent. Like the Trillium luteum has a nice lemon scent. So your yellow cuneatum has no luteum blood.
Some of the last Trilliums from yesterday .Variations in T. vaseyii ...First one is what I call a typical form with very wide petals. Followed by this yummy one --unfortunately my shot doesn't do justice to the almost chocolate coloured tone.The third plant where I've lifted the flowers above the foliage to enable a better shot of the flowers.Finally one of my seedling T. sulcatums ,yellow with pink undertones.Cheers Dave.
Hi Dave, maybe the Trilliums on pictures S0 and S3 have some rugelii blood.
Hello Herman I've not seen the variability of T .vaseyi in the wild however the seed was sent to me as T . vaseyi .....What makes you think they may have some T. rugelii blood ?.Cheers Dave.