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Spring is rapidly coming and warming up everything.
Trond,A completely different mix of plants than from around here. I wish that Corydalis species were easier to grow well in our area as many seem quite beautiful - a good addition to the garden.I like your adventuresome spirit, the willingness to try challenging plants for your garden. Cactus in wet western Norway, not what I would expect.Spring can be long and drawn out in our part of California, sometimes the cool rainy weather lasting into early June. This slows the plants down greatly, with the blooming season lasting much longer.
And we started spring ...The snow melts at a tremendous speed.First blossomed Erantis stellata and Erantis sibirica.Snowdrops also began to bloom.
Robert, I think there are a lot of Corydalis species adapted to hot and dry summers.
Robert, I think there are a lot of Corydalis species adapted to hot and dry summers.Regarding cacti - I have always grown cacti but indoors. After seeing this species (Maihuenia poeppigii) in Argentina I decided to try it here!
Are those pic of it flowering in your garden?? Never get it to flower over here!