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k-s-kevin - These little plants can "punch well above their weight" in terms of flower power and early season display, can't they?
A few things are looking good despite the serious drought conditions. Eschscholzia californica with Lupinus bicolor.A nice close-up of Lupinus bicolor. This is a California native annual. I never have to plant them, just keep the non-native annual grasses under controlMore Lupinus bicolor. After 5-6 years they are spreading around fairly well. I will plug in some of our native perennial bunch grasses when I have more ready to go in the ground. Each season the flowers on the lupines get larger and the area they cover expands.. I like Lupinus albifrons, so it is planted all over the place. Where there is enough sun they look good.
Thanks Maggi.At least I got it right under the photo.
Wow!Talk about the Lupin Express! Great to see, Robert,cheersfermi
Lupinus bicolor looks very pretty ... and very small compare to Escholtzia !Here's other primula :Primula elatiorPrimula x polyantha : a vigourous natural hybrid between vulgaris and veris found in Vercors Mountain. This hybrid is common in natural population but this one is very floriferous