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Ok Herman, that is clearly not C. hancockii. I believe RarePlants offers this species as C. chloroleuca, but I can't find any description of that plant in any flora, just a drawing. flower on the drawing has a slightly longer spur than your plant and looks a lot like C. Grifithii.Your plant looks more like the recently described C. yaoshanensis
So it seems that there are a lot of wrong names among the calanthe sellers
Here are some details. So it seems that there are a lot of wrong names among the calanthe sellers
Your flower has the three sub triangular lamellae that set C. yaoshanensis apart from similar species like C. griffithii and C. fugongensis. So Calanthe yaoshanensis is what it must be then!This species was first described in 2011, but I've seen pictures of it popping up on forums years before, as an unidentified species. Curious how a plant from China ends up in cultivation in Europe before it even has a name..
It looks as if most of the Calanthe pictured are relatively new purchases, probably all Anthura cabbages, and I suspect that most of the names are works of fiction.
Calanthes in currently in flower:Calanthe tricarinata; not quite as impressive as Herman's, but it's getting bigger every year, so i'm not complaining