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Can't for the life of me think how Jon was reduced to hilarity by your suggestion, David - perhaps he'd been lifting too many heavy plants without benefit of coffee and bacon butties.... ? Those nice Ranson folk grow great plants, don't they? Not to mention the others we've seen already - are you going to show the photos to your own plants as encouragement??
I think it was very rude of him Maggi
Yes, we had a meeting in the greenhouse this morning where I put to them to see if it would float their boat. There was broad agreement on the way forward and we proposed to set up a couple of focus groups to continue the blue-sky thinking.
I think it was remarkably restrained - he might well have decked you!
I think it was remarkably restrained - he might well have decked you! Good to hear that - thinking outside the box and breaking the envelope is vital for any real progress to be made .....