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Author Topic: Shares in Trichoderma granules offered  (Read 466 times)


  • 'finder of the light'
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Shares in Trichoderma granules offered
« on: March 31, 2015, 12:04:50 PM »
I have ordered some Trichoderma in a granular form and will have a little to spare (given that the shelf life is only around 8 weeks).  I can spare a little at £4 per 50g plus (letter rate) postage.  These granules are intended to be mixed with compost at 1g per litre so 50g would treat 50 litres of compost.  If I understand correctly, this Trichoderma is embedded in a 'filler' which dissolves slowly in water and which helps to prolong the shelf life.  So it is less expensive by weight than the 'pure' Trichoderma and intended to be mixed with potting compost when re-potting or applied to be in contact with the roots of a mature plant.

Please send me a PM if you are interested.   
Almost in Scotland.


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