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My Lepechinia is grown in a great pot I bring in a polytunnel during the winter ; it grows well and fast from seeds so I sow new plants regularly ; it is flowering in late summer so I can take all advantage of its flowers before first frost Do you wish some seeds Meanie ?
meanie,I have not had much luck lifting tender species in the autumn. I suspect that with our long growing season the plants grow too large to transplant well. An additional fact could be warm and dry weather can often occur in November and even December stressing the plants. At one time I planted tender species out in their containers hoping it would be make lifting them less stressful. This had its problems too.I like your idea of lifting plants, however with our climatic conditions it can be risky. When I have a chance I will continue to experiment with some modifications that work under our conditions. Having some of the tender species in our El Dorado county garden would be sweet.
Most of the time I would do cuttings to keep as a back up but experience tells me which ones will lift without damage. By far the most reliably safe for lifting are the S.gauranitica and S.gesneriiflora hybrids.
Definitely not for the rock garden is Salvia leucantha; this one is one of the new selections, 'Velour White' which was planted in early spring in a new raised bed which has been kept watered through the summer,cheersfermi
In Melbourne (which is virtually frost-free) Mexican or wooly Sage flowers through the summer and into the autumn/early winter.
(Attachment Link) Salvia carduaceaThis is an annual species that is native to California. This is my first season to grow this species. At first I was not impressed by its flowers or overall performance. However, as the season has progressed its charm has grown on me. The plants have continued to produce many more and new flowering stems as the season has progressed. In addition, with drier and warmer weather the slugs have become less of an issue. The species is a keeper for me.
Meanie,How the climate effects our plants. The Salvia gesneriiflora in our area bloomed all winter and now are in active vegetive growth.Yours looks great!