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Author Topic: Notice for Tübingen Botanic Garden - Czech-German Event 22nd November 2015  (Read 1104 times)

Maggi Young

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    • International Rock Gardener e-magazine
Invitation for the  Czech - German meeting of the lovers of  alpine plants in the Botanical Garden of the University of Tübingen on November 22, 2015
Assemble from 9.00, Start 10:00 am

From Brigitte Fiebig......
Dear friends of alpine plants,
This year it is our turn to host this meeting and so I am pleased today to invite you to our program in the Botanical Garden of the University of Tübingen.
The presentations will take place on Sunday, 22 November.
We start at 10:00 clock in the main  Botany auditorium (Address: Auf der Morgenstelle 3, 72076 Tübingen), next to the main entrance of the Botanical Garden. Outside the main entrance of the garden you can park for free. You may arrive from  9am.
Two speakers come from the Czech Republic:  Vojtech Holubec and Zdeněk Zvolánek.
They will  report on "Plants of the Pamirs, Central Asia, photos of the last expedition and from 2006" and "Rock gardens in the Czech Karst, experience with heat-resistant rock garden plants". Both presentations will be held in English and translated by Rudolf White.
Dieter Zschummel has travelled this year in  north-eastern Turkey and will talk about his local plant finds and landscape impressions.
Michael Mauser and Brigitte Fiebig  traveled this year  in Iran for the first time, mainly to Dionysia sites to see and save cuttings to take home.

For those of you who want to offer plants for sale or exchange, we can provide tables available. Please enter the space required when booking.
Since we do not have a restaurant in the Botanical Garden,  food and drinks will be organised. To simplify things, it will be assumed that all who register, will have lunch.Please inform when booking if you require a vegetarian  option. . The costs will be allocated and are in addition to the fee for the lectures. Thus, we will charge 25 € for meals and lectures.
For overnight accommodation, please look on the Internet at: http://www.tuebingen-info.de. In addition to our conference Tübingen is well worth a stay or short break.
Please book before 4th  November, so full plans can be made.

I look forward to your visit, interesting lectures, a lively exchange and a pleasant gathering.

Best regards,

Brigitte Fiebig

Contact Information for Login or for questions  :

Brigitte Fiebig, Botanischer Garten der Universität,
Hartmeyerstraße 123,
72076 Tübingen
Tel: 07071-29 72609
Fax: 07071-29 5876
Mail: brigitte.fiebig@uni-tuebingen.de

To learn a little more about the history of these meetings - see HERE
« Last Edit: October 24, 2015, 03:33:44 PM by Maggi Young »
Margaret Young in Aberdeen, North East Scotland Zone 7 -ish!

Editor: International Rock Gardener e-magazine

Michael Mauser

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Dear Maggi, dear forumists,

we had a nice event here in our botanical garden, around 70 alpine gardeners from Austria, the Czech Republic and Germany - thanks for coming!
It was a pleasure to have Vojtec Holubec, Zdenek Zvolanek and Dieter Zschummel as speakers and listen to their reports about Pamir, Turkey and of course the Czech gardens - lots of excellent pictures from landscape, people and alpine treasures.

For all those who couldn't take part and missed our report about Iran 2015 pictures from May will follow soon .

Best wishes,

« Last Edit: November 30, 2015, 02:33:35 PM by Michael Mauser »


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