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Primula "Tantallon"
Hi Steve Primula joan hughes is actually a hybrid and not pure allionii. Nevertheless your plant is a fine example and judging by the picture is not full of virus as many are, only producing small distorted streaked flowers. I guess you may have got it from Brian who's stock has always been virus free. Look after it . Great plant.
See you at the Cyclamen Show on Saturday SUNDAY ? This weird weather has been playing havoc with flowering times. At this rate everything will be over before the end of the month!
I know that sometimes the Cyclamen Society events are members only, but I do not understand why more effort is not being made to advertise them and drum up members
Yes, Graeme - it's so confusing because of need to be RHS members to gain access.... it is open to anyone who is an RHS member OR who has paid entrance to Wisley. The show is on Sunday 7th February.
hmm let me think £47 to RHS or £47 extra to spend at Loughborough - only thing I would like to buy is a Coun Porcelain from Green Ice - add travel to Wisley and it makes it nearly as expensive as some of the snowdrops I have seen............
Pr. all. Sandra
Nothing exciting flowering here but I picked up a few attractive primroses in Dobbies earlier this week. Most of those for sale had oversized flowers in garish colours but one bench had plants with smaller flowers and paler colours. I picked four which caught my eye.