Hi Steve - good to hear another excellent report of delivery of good service from Cornovium to the USA. It's cheering to know you guys can get access to these plants in that way.
Yes, Maggi, absolutely cheering as U. S. suppliers of the more rare bulbs sell out within hours or a few days and the selection is significantly broadened with Cornovium in play. Steve, I totally confirm your point on the quality, freshness and size of the Cornovium bulbs. And Neil, I am glad Rare Plants are attempting to export to this market as well. All good for the growing interest in Snowdrops stateside. There are now nearly 400 participants on the Face Book page, Snowdrops in American Gardens.
Here is a shot of a selected G. elwesii var. elwesii from a lot of bulbs coming from a U.S. bulb supplier, with a likely Netherlands sourcing. Have a great weekend all. Rick