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Tim Ingram also posted this thoughtful comment...... "This is a poor photo, because the light was very low, but I wanted to show it just to raise a thought about the Harlow Alpine Garden Society Show today (and it should be viewed other photos ). This has always been an exciting Show because it is a time when the garden is really coming to life in early spring and there are some amazing specialist nurseries who attend - so for example: Aberconwy, Edrom and Keith and Roz Wiley from Wildside (who were next to us). The plants are completely fascinating, which is what this blurry image sums up of the young lady holding a fine potful of snowdrops and talking to someone else. But the number of plants on display was much reduced over previous years and it is hard not to get the feeling that these remarkable plants are not getting the audience they warrant in the gardening media, and gardening world in general. The reason why they should is in the following couple of entries because even if you don't exhibit plants - and are never likely to - the alpine and rock plant societies do revolve around this detail and skill of growing plants and it is something worth celebrating."