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Seems the website is very much a "work in progress" I note, hoiwever, that Joe's "'drop out three" is listed - though I hadn't heard of anyone who signed up for it who had actually received it - have others more news on that?
Good news, Janet. Were you at Nettetal ? Are you "doing" the German events this coming weekend too?
Not doing Hamburg/Mannheim as away dog sledding in Sweden!
Once you see the clump growing/ flowering in the garden here (since 2011 when it first flowered), you get the impression of wasps better than with a single flower, indeed!
If you don't fancy having the nails then this is Christine yesterday at the Cottage Garden Snowdrop day wearing her necklace of snowdrops.
Fantastic new yellows indeed. Would love to grow them all . 'Lemongrass' and 'Dryad Gold' are true gems!I am somehow addicted to yellows although they're not always easy to recognize...Anyway: another inverse poculiform which is for sure not only perfect poc but also differing from the other ones above.This is my Galanthus nivalis 'Miniskirt'. I particularly love the surprising curling of the outers backwards...Yes, forumnists, 'Miniskirt' is! (Attachment Link)