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But so I was remembered to show a pic of V. jaubertiana (inside the greenhouse) which was flowering since 2 months here.Gerd
I add a photo of germinating V. purpurea with the unusually arranged cotyledons. Do you knowa reason why they aren't situated opposite to eachother?Gerd
I have read that V. odorata has a chemical in the flower which inhibits a persons sense of smell, so that you can smell the scent then the fragrance is lost for a while.
(Attachment Link) Viola chelmea ssp. vratnicensis grown from seed supplied by a generous forumist.
Robert, this is quite fast - you raised the rare white flowering variety! Congratulations!Gerd
Gerd,I guess that I was quite fortunate. Only one seed germinated for me.Here in California, this species seems robust. When I have more I will give it a try out in the open garden. It will also be interesting to see what percentage come true to the white form from a self pollination.At our public library there is a copy of the Flora of Greece. I did notice that it is listed in this book. Unfortunately, I did not write out its description. I did do a quick internet search .edu but did not come up with much.