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A murine autopsy with examination of gastric content ...
A murine autopsy with examination of gastric content provided the smoking gun Maggi.Erythronium leaf, erythronium flower, peanut butter, cheap cider and cheesy Doritos -guilty as charged!
Ashley, don't you encourage him! (Even though the photos would surely be of very high quality.....)
The Erythroniums are lasting and lasting this spring what with the cool temps, highs in the 10c range and lows in the 5-7c range. Photos 1-2 A new little patch of E. 'White Beauty' which seems to have taken a long time to settle in and get going. The former group mysteriously disappeared after many years of happily growing away, not uncommon as also reported by other gardeners.Photos 3-4 Not sure if this is 'Pagodoa' or another look-alike - was the name 'Kumondo' or something similar? - that I foolishly planted in close proximity. One vanished but with which am I left?john
Good morning, John,Do you mean Erythronium californicum x tuolumnense Kondo?