Mimulus moschata has been in cultivation in various forms for a very long time.
I grow plants from wild seed. The simple beauty of such plants is appealing to me. Our plants of Mimulus moschata will bloom on and off all summer well into the autumn. They are very perennial and will lasting for many years in the garden.
Mimulus bicolor.
I very much enjoy growing our California native annual Mimulus species. We have a fair number of native species to choose from. Generally, I grow them in containers until I build up sufficient seed stock to experiment with them around in the open garden. In containers it is also much easier to control pollination. Some species readily cross with one another, others do not.
Those pictured are in containers and are still blooming after weeks of flowering activity. From this start I will grow a large tub full. After that there will be plenty of seed to experiment with.
Two different selections of Mimulus aurantiacus var. grandiflorus. Both clones were selected (from cuttings) from plants found in the wild.
A comparison of flowers.
On the right is Mimulus aurantiacus var. aurantiacus as it is typically seen in our part of California. On the left is Mimulus auranticaus var. grandiflorus. The two lobed petals of var. grandiflorus is typical to this variety.