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Author Topic: Non Flowering Oxalis  (Read 1114 times)

Mark Griffiths

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Non Flowering Oxalis
« on: May 26, 2016, 11:13:16 PM »
I've a couple of Oxalis that seem to have stopped flowering.

One is a self sown hybrid of South American species - it's now in a 5 inch pot, lots of leaves, no flowers. It used to flower really well, even though it was under the greenhouse bench - this year it's been in a frame and then into full sun outside maybe it's age or they need to be divided?

Edit: I recall now it didn't flower last year either - I thought at the time it might have been because I repoted it the year previously. I should add I have smaller plants of O.patagonica and O. Ione Hecker given the same treatment that are flowering fine. The hybrid is a hybrid between those two.

Similarly I have a O.obtusa in about a 9 inch pot - there must be lots of tiny bulbs it's absolutely packed with leaves - but no flowers this year.

Come to think of it O. versicolor didn't flower either but that's no where near filling it's pot as its only a couple of years from a few bulbils (but it flowered last year).

Ideas anyone? thanks
« Last Edit: May 27, 2016, 09:42:57 AM by Mark Griffiths »
Oxford, UK
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Lesley Cox

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Re: Non Flowering Oxalis
« Reply #1 on: May 27, 2016, 12:56:59 AM »
Sorry Mark, no suggestions at all but I would be very interested to hear from anyone who may know why I have not EVER had a flower on good, strong colonies of OO. palmifrons and the yellow form of purpurea (or I think it may be something else now) known as 'Ken Aslet.' I've had both for about 25 years but neither has ever flowered for me. I've tried small colonies in pots and tightly packed bulbs in very large pots and troughs but nothing. Since both are South African I've grown then in sun and ripened the bulbs well during their dormant seasons but nothing. I know they both DO flower because I've seen photos (Fermi in Australia had one recently of O. palmifrons). Logically it's way past time I disposed f them but they both have good foliage and I'd love to see some flowers as well. I've also tried dosing them with sulphate of potash as they emerge from dormancy. I may as well have fed them with powdered glass for all the appreciation they show. >:( >:( >:( Various others including the lovely white form of purpurea, versicolor, luteola, massoniana and all the south Americans that I have, flower well and reliably.
Lesley Cox - near Dunedin, lower east coast, South Island of New Zealand - Zone 9


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