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Lovely Sarracenias Tristan - wouldn't you be able to grow them outside?
Two plants from the garden this morning,Incarvillea younghusbandii & Roscoea humeana alba.
It is not only roadside plants here. I also have some in my garden Dodecathion dentatum/Primula latiloba.An Arisaema which I thought was ciliata but it is not. . . .
What a cute white Dodecatheon! (OK, Primula...)Your Arisaema looks like A. concinnum, but it is variable species, so more pictures would be necessary if you really want a label Roscoea cautleyoides is always from the first ones to flower - all Arisaema and Roscoea are also starting to show up here
Cypripedium candidum below with two small seedlings, I think, as their leaf texture feels like that of the parents.-Rob
I agree it does look like concinnum but my plant is small and spindly. I thought concinnum was bigger when starting to flower.