Yesterday I collected several Meconopsis plants ready for a plant sale in Sheffield Botanic Gardens. There were plants of M. baileyi and also of 'Lingholm'. One plant which at casual blance looked like Lingholm, albeit with very small flowers, on closer inspection turned out to be M. baileyi. The confusion was that the flowers were darker than my other blue M. baileyi plants with a darker patch at the bease of the petals resemblin 'Lingholm'. The stem leaves were also more pointed and toothed than is normal for M.baileyi. The faded label showed that the origin of the plant was seed from the Van Dusen Botanic Garden in Vancouver passed on to me by one of the volunteers in the gardens. The seed was collected in 2011 so a sowing in 2015 only produced a couple of plants.
I wonder if anyone else has noticed M. baileyi with these features ?