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Delphinium nudicaule
I found these particularly attractive. A seedling in the garden, presumed A. davidii x A pectinatum ssp forrestii. It has a weeping habit, lime green bark, especially in Winter, yellower in Summer....
Alstroemeria isabella has an interesting habit. When exposed to periods of bright sunlight or warmth the colour bleaches..............
I have also enjoyed Tronds photos of wild plants in Norway. What a strange and interesting plant is Conopholis americana!Over here Actaea rubra is also full of red berries, I have to cut them before they fall, as I have already hundreds of self sown seedlings from it. But it is very pretty with red berries, it is like a second flowering.Martagon lilies are over now, but Lilium canadense is now in full bloom. I planted also couple of years ago a red form of it, it is much shorter plant than the orange L.canadense. If red form always shorter?
Gabriela,nice plants! It is always interesting to see plants in their native habitat (I assume they are all native?).The bear root (don't like the name cancer root) looks special. Do you collect seed