My bulk supply for distribution to advertisers arrived this morning so it won't be long now before your copies drop through the letter box or inbox as the case may be.
It's always nice to be able to report that we have a new advertiser and particularly so if that advertiser is from a nursery and in this edition we have two, both of which I'm sure will be known to most of you. The first, on page 119 is Hartside Nursery Garden of Alston, Cumbria ( ) mail order and visitors welcome. The second on page 122 is D'Arcy and Everest Plant Nursery of Pidley, Cambridgeshire, ( ) mail order and open to the public from March-September on Wednesday to Saturday 10am-3pm.
Growers of Oncocyclus Irises will be interested in knowing that a new list will be available in August (see page 124) from
Rob Potterton's Plant Sale and Lecture will be held on 3 September (10am-4pm) at Macplants, Berrybank Nursery, Pencaitland, East Lothian EH34 5BA. Macplants extensive range of plants will be available and Potterton's will be offering a range of dwarf bulbs and alpines (pre-orders can be collected). A lecture by Ron McBeath will be presented at 2pm.
As usual folks do please support our advertisers whenever you can.