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Meanie,I certainly enjoy your Salvia photographs! I think that you have shown Salvia 'Love and Wishes' in the past. Seeing it again is a good reminder to look for it here in the U.S.A. A must try for our garden!I have planted a goodly number of meso-american type Salvias in the garden this summer, however transplanting has slowed them a bit. Maybe they will look good this autumn. Albuca humilis just finished blooming for us. I like its fragrance!Thank you for sharing. I look forward to your next batch of photographs.
Vegetables that are ornamental too, runner beans. And Hedychium Coccineum doing well this year again. I had some seeds of this Hedychium last year, harvested on Christmas day and sown immediately and then kept inside at room temperature, however none germinated. If anyone has some advise about sowing Hedychium it will be more than welcome.
Yes, I have shown Love and Wishes before (probably more than once, it's that good!) but it was easier to just show it again for Leslie than go back through my earlier posts What I find with the S.buchananii, gesneriiflora, guaranitica and splendens hybrids is that once planted out they are more "interested" in spreading their roots than blooming. Most of these hybrids do very well in pots (exceptionally well in the case of Amistad) which allows us Brits the benefit of starting them off and bringing them along in the greenhouse earlier in the season to extend their growing time. Next year I'm going to try dropping the pot into the ground - it works well with Brugmansia on a couple of levels and may be a good tactic with these hybrids as well.
Meanie,Years ago I grew Brugmansia up at the farm as well as a number of tender Salvia species. Dropping the pot in the ground worked well with all of them. There were a few Salvia species that seemed to want to grow foliage rather than bloom when planted in the open ground. The restricted roots in a pot seemed to remedy this situation, but not always, nor with all species or varieties.
A blue duck and red water lilies in my tiny pond. The poor duck has to be brought inside every winter but the water-lily remains outside (Attachment Link)
Trond,How large and deep is your "pond"? Many years ago I bought a "kiddie pool" that I sunk into the ground as a pond. It worked okay but was too shallow to work well. I also used an old claw legged bath tub. This worked much better.Is your pond lined to prevent leakage?Anyway, I love the photograph!