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Author Topic: various Araceae bulbs/tubers for exchange  (Read 1336 times)


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various Araceae bulbs/tubers for exchange
« on: October 22, 2016, 05:25:36 PM »
Hello guys!

This season has been quite successful in terms of propagation of some rare and showy aroid species, the first beginning to draw back to their storage organs. Since that's a great possibility for shipping, I can offer now several species preferably for exchange. If you're interested, just drop me a line via PM.

The following species are currently available:

Amorphophallus albus P.Y.Liu & J.F.Chen
Amorphophallus dunnii Tutcher
Amorphophallus henryi N.E.Br.
Amorphophallus napalensis (Wall.) Bogner & Mayo
Ariopsis protanthera N.E.Br.
Arisaema lichiangense W.W.Sm.
Arum italicum Mill.
Dracontium gigas (Seem.) Engl.
Sauromatum giganteum (Engl.) Cusimano & Hett.
Spathantheum orbignyanum Schott

Warm regards,
Greetings from Germany,

Anemone x lipsiensis

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Re: various Araceae bulbs/tubers for exchange
« Reply #1 on: October 31, 2016, 11:05:27 PM »
Hallo Dominik,

ich könnte Dir im Tausch anbieten:

Peltandra virginica
Gorgonidium intermedium
Amorphophallus yunnanensis
Arisaema speciosum
diverse Arum

Und ich wäre meinerseits interessiert an:

Amorphophallus dunnii
Amorphophallus henryi
Arisaema lichiangense
Spathantherum orbignyanum

Mit besten Grüßen ,  Matthias


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