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From Ian the Christie kind.... "Found this new G. nivalis near here last year - the inner marks close up look like a green cross under a green line below the ovary, a neat small Snowdrop. The flowers are only 3 to 4 inches high - might get taller ,very nice pristine white flowers without doubt this is a hybrid with something (g. plicatus?)"
Again from Ian C."I went out today and selected some G. plicatus leaves - and a leaf from the little G. nivalis shown in the previous post. That nivalis leaf is at the end of the first pic and is a blue green. Note the turned over leaves on all this lot. These are hybrids, pictures are all of the reverse of the leaves. "Cheers.
Anne's new 'drops are attracting great interest on ebay - as well they might! One of Hagen's gems is soaring, too- see Here.
Yes, Josh, last leaf of first group is the "nivalis" - but he thinks they are probably all hybrids.
is my plant virused...