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Here is the happy buyer of Galanthus nivalis 'Schwelfelfee'. I got it from Andreas Händel last year and he told me, that ist was found at the Elbe river. No more details, I´am afraid. Some pics of the plant and of a very tiny offspring...The flower seems to be very much like 'Spindlestone Surprise' but the mark is more like an inverted V not an U.
Michael Myers showed G. nivalis 'Blonde Inge ' at the AGS Loughborough show yesterday - looking very good in his pic and indeed it was awarded a Preliminary Commendation by the Joint Rock Committee.(RHS, AGS, SRGC). Joint Rock Committee awards are given to plants "for exhibition". (Attachment Link)
I’d like to ask you kindly to tell Johnralphcarpenter that king-radio is the user name of Christopher Brierley on eBay. I lost his recent auction on ‘Rushmere Green’*) by ranking on second position. As I bought five ‘drops from him since 2012, he knows me well, he immediately gave me a second chance at the price of my last bid.His wife’s uuser name on eBay is queen_carol (Carol Brierley). On occasion of having bought two ‘drops from her she told methat her husband would rather favour to sell Roman coins. I need to say tha this couple is very communicative, generous and is selling ‘drops of very good quality.
So to be clear Maggie, do you disagree with anything here? If you do, which part and why? Bear in mind please that my sole interest is in encouraging people not to risk good money by careless accusations. I will assume whatever you say in reply can be taken as official SRGC policy.
I'm not a lawyer but I think people would be wise not to publicly label Ebay sellers as scammmers when they have no knowledge of them beyond the fact that they may have "borrowed" a picture to illustrate their sale. Some years back I sued my local cabbage-patch newspaper for libel; they lost and it cost them a great deal of money. The law of libel and slander applies to communities-of-interest like Scottish Rock as it does elsewhere. The same note of caution would apply to statements about nurserymen/women. Better to safeguard your money to buy plants.
I have found one yellow snowdrop with leaves like Galanthus plicatus within a group of other snowdrops. Is it possible to put a cultivar name to it?
If I ever have occasion to state "official SRGC policy" you can be sure I will say so at the time. I am speaking personally, Steve As we have seen previously, those who use photos which are not their own have been found to be less than scrupulous in other dealings and I, like others, have cautioned care in such cases. It is polite to give credit to another person if using their photos to make a sale and might calm some fears for some if that were to happen.
I have been asked to pass this on by another collector (and obviously a lurker) of repute:.So all is pukka with this seller.
I have found one yellow snowdrop with leaves like Galanthus plicatus within a group of other snowdrops. Is it possible to put a cultivar name to it? (Attachment Link) A group of yellow Galanthus lagodechianus, grown from seed. (Attachment Link) (Attachment Link) And the well known Galanthus Blonde Inge (Attachment Link) (Attachment Link)