Nice to see a few South Americans in flower.
Your Junellia is J. micrantha. It occurs throughout most of Patagonia and prefers to grow in areas where the soil is wet in spring, drying out later in the year. It forms a flat mat, sometimes flowering around the edge of the mat, others with flowers over the whole mat. We need some of these well-flowered clones in cultivation. Flowers can be white, pink, or lavender in colour, usually with a dark spot at the base of the petals. For us, this grows vigorously both in pots and in raised beds outside. The prostrate stems root readily as they extend.
Despite the wind, insects are plentiful in the Patagonian mountains and steppe, including butterfies, moths, flies, bees and beetle and most of the colourful flowers are insect pollinated.
The Cistanthe is not from Patagonia, but from the drier more northern areas of Chile. Many calandinias have short-lived flowers but some open each flower daily over several days. Once pollinated, flowers go over quickly.