Nursery for Special Cultivation
Gerd Stopp
Shakespearestr. 10
09127 Chemnitz
Tel: +49 371 772007
Fax: +49 371 7750623
I have the pleasure of presenting you my new plant list. In addition to well-known species you will also find some recently introduced species.
As our special packing method is extremely time-consuming and there are a lot of events and orders in this period, delays of up to 5 weeks in delivery may occur. I am confident that you will understand this. Please let me know if there are any dates when you are not able to receive the delivery so that I can take it into consideration.
As it is very important for you as an alpine plant lover to receive pure species, we attach high importance to genuine original plant material. Therefore, I guarantee the purity of the plants that are offered. Recently introduced species which do not have a certainly determined name will be appropriately labelled.
Every plant costs 2,- €, plus 7 % value added tax. Different prices, for example for Rhododendron or special rarities, are indicated in the list. The plants will be delivered by parcel and the forwarding costs will be charged, packing costs not. The invoice will be enclosed to the parcel. Please pay within 10 days on receipt of the plants by bank transfer.
Please indicate your invoice number!
I would ask my foreign clients to pay cash via registered letter or by bank transfer to the following account: IBAN DE02 8705 00003564 0020 30, BIC CHEKDE81XXX. Please do not use cheques!
Please indicate any complaint within 5 days after receipt of delivery. Your order can be executed all over the year, in order of receipt, except in periods of strong frost, heat or vacations. The shipping of orders from this list will primarily be executed in April and May 2017! Orders of less than 25 € can not be considered; in this case please order your plants together with other alpine plant collectors.
I am not able to guarantee that the plants will take roots, but they are cultivated in strong climatic conditions in 500 meters above sea level. The substratum is mixed by myself according to the needs of the plants, with a high share of loam and nearly without additional fertilizer. The plants are labelled and I can also indicate the exact origin of the cuttings or the seeds.
Please place your order by letter or fax. Of course, you are also invited to visit my nursery after previous announcement.
You can also fetch your plant order personally after previous notification in Berlin Dahlem on April 1 and 2, in Hamburg-Kiekeberg in April 22 and 23 and in Fürstenfeldbruck from May 25 to May 28 2017.
With best regards
Gerd Stopp
IBAN: DE02 8705 0000 3564 0020 30 BIC: CHEKDE81XXX Bank: Sparkasse Chemnitz
ACHILLEA (Compositae)
A.gypsicola –Turkey, interesting plant with grey little leaves and yellow flowers, requires full sun and a dry site, grows on gypsum rocks
ALLIUM (Liliaceae)
A.insubricum – Northern Italy, nice small form with pendant pink flowers, sunny place, humus-rich limestone gravel
ANDROSACE (Primulaceae)
A.barbulata – Caucasus, like A.villosa, loose cushions with white flowers, sun, limestone
A.bulleyana – China, single big rosettes with red flowers in umbels, sunny site in limestone scree rich in humus, unfortunately monocarp
A.ciliata – Pyrenees, cushion forming with green rosettes, pink flowers, no limestone
A.hausmannii – small plant, grey-green rosettes, abundant blossom, white flowers, nice in limestone tufa, Dolomites
A.helvetica – Alps, dense cushions in limestone rock fissures, white flowers, a little bit difficult in cultivation, better in the alpine house or with protection against precipitation in winter, sunny, substratum with little humus
A.mathildae – Abruzzo Mts., small cushions with green rosettes, easy to cultivate, abundant blossom, limestone rocks, re-seeds itself if conditions are good
A.villosa – Gran Sasso, Abruzzo Mts., Italy, forms bigger rosettes, full sun, limestone
A. x heerii – natural hybrid of A.helvetica x alpina, easy to grow, sunny sites, not too moist
ANEMONE (Ranunculaceae)
A.baldensis – Dolomites, small plant with white flowers, sunny places in limestone scree, grows slowly
A.leveillei – China, slightly taller plant with white flowers, humus rich
ARENARIA (Caryophyllaceae)
A.cretica v. stygia – Chelmos Mts., Greece, small grey-green plant for narrow, dry rock fissures, white and relatively big flowers
A.globiflora – Nepal, cushion forming with polstrig with acute leaves and white flowers, no limestone
ASTER (Compositae)
A.alpinus v. dolomiticus – Dolomites, Pellegrino 2100 m, small perennial, big violet flowers, sunny sites in meagre substratum
A.alpinus – Mt. Malamot, Western Alps, nice small form with blue flowers, sunny and dry sites in stony substratum, limestone
ASYNEUMA (Campanulaceae)
A.limonifolium – Mt. Olymp, rosette-forming perennial with many little blue flowers on big inflorescences, sunny and dry sites in limestone
A.pulvinatum – Turkey, hard cushions with light blue flowers, full sun in limestone rocks, beautiful plant for the alpine house or with rain protection in vertical rocks, my clone produces many flowers
CAMPANULA (Campanulaceae)
C.alpestris – Western Alps, rosettes forming with big blue flowers, sunny sites in limestone, not too moist
C.alpina – Lower Tauern, beautiful rosettes with many light blue flower bells, sunny sites in humus rich but stony substratum, this form does not stand limestone, monocarp
C.alpina – Schneeberg near Vienna, like the previous one but on limestone
C.alpina ssp.bucegiensis – Romania, smaller form, sunny sites in limestone
C.aucheri – Turkey, compact plant with very big single blue-violet flowers, sunny sites in limestone
C.cenisia – Western Alps, loose cushions with light blue flowers, no limestone, a rarity, difficult in cultivation, 4,- € per plant
C.choruhensis – Turkey, beautiful plant with hairy leaves and very big white flowers, nice in sunny limestone rocks, keep rather dry with rain protection in moist summers
C.morettiana – Dolomites, endemic form, small cushions with hairy leaves, blue and rather big flowers, for narrow limestone rock fissures with only little humus, partial shade, difficult form, better in the alpine house or with protection against precipitation in winter, one of the most famous alpine -per plant 4,- €- in a 5 cm clay pot.
C.fragilis – Apennines, Italy, beautiful plant with hairy leaves and big, widely open, light blue flowers, for the alpine house or with rain protection, limestone rocks, not too much humus
C.saxifraga – Turkey, like C.aucheri with big flowers, very beautiful, limestone
C.speciosa – Pyrenees, grows on sunny limestone scree fields, big inflorescences, blue flowers
C.trachyphylla – Turkey, compact plant with narrow leaves, blue flowers in umbels, keep dry
C.troegerae – Turkey, like C.choruhensis with widely open flowers, limestone rocks
CHIONOHEBE (Scrophulariaceae)
C.densiflia – Australia, Mt.Kosciusko, small plant with square-stalked shoots, light-blue flowers, peat bed, not too moist
C.maresii – Atlas Mts, Tichka pass 2100m, dwarf plant with narrow grey leaves, very big white flowers with a red ring, no limestone at their natural site but stands limestone in the garden, sunny and dry site, nice plant!
CORYDALIS (Papaveraceae)
C.pachycentra – Beima Shan, 4500m, China, small plant with grey-green tiny leaves and sky blue flowers, humus-rich limestone gravel, requires good drainage
DAPHNE (Thymelaceae)
D.arbuscula – Slovakian Republic near Muran, flatly growing shrub with dark green leaves and pink flowers, smaller plants 4,- €, bigger plants 6,- €
D.modesta – Haba Shan, China, new in cultivation, dwarfish with narrow grey-green leaves which fall in winter, yellow flowers with 5 petals, abundant blossom in April together with the new leaves, for sunny limestone rocks or the alpine house, rather dry or with protection against precipitation in winter, hardy in normal winters, probably the most beautiful yellow Daphne, my 10 years old mother plants are only approximately 10 cm high and 15 cm in diameter, young plants for 4,- €
D.petraea – big rose-red flowers, smallest European form from Northern Italy, for narrow limestone rock crevices, partial shade, grows extremely slow, young plants for 4,- €
DELPHINIUM ( Ranuncukaceae)
D.grandiflorum – Quinghai, China, approx. 30 cm high with azure-blue flowers, no limestone
DIANTHUS (Caryophyllaceae)
D.alpinus – Eastern Alps, Schneeberg near Vienna, bright green cushions with big almost sessile pink flowers, sunny sites in limestone, not too dry
D.alpinus “Joans Blood” – dwarfish form with very dark flowers, abundant blossom
D.arpadianus – Turkey, dwarf cushions, pink flowers, sunny, dry, limestone
D.kajmaktzalanicus – Northern Greece, very flat cushions with small pink flowers, abundant blossom, no limestone, vegetatively propagated, very compact form!
D.haematocalyx v.alpinus – Mt. Olympus, cushion forming plant with grey leaves and pink flowers, limestone
D.haematocalyx v.sibthorpii – Mt. Olympus, forms bigger rosettes, pink flowers, limestone
D.haematocalyx ssp. pindicola – Pindus, Greece, grey-green cushions, big purple flowers, full sun, stony dry soils
D.haematocalyx ssp.ventricosus – Mt. Parnassus, Greece, dwarfish form with many pink flowers, full sun, dry, limestone, beautiful
D.monspessulanus – Apennines, slightly bigger plant, very big and strongly fringed pink or white flowers, sunny and dry places in limestone
D.pavonius – (syn.D.neglectus) western Alps, pointed leaves with big purple-pink flowers, no limestone, sunny places
D.repens – new form from Kamchatka, cushion-forming with grey-blue leaves, pink flowers, no limestone
DRABA (Cruciferae)
D.bryoides v.imbricata – Caucasus, extremely hard cushions with tiny rosettes, yellow flowers, limestone rocks
D.oligosperma ssp.subsessile – Rocky Mts. USA, small cushions, yellow flowers, sunny places in limestone rocks
D.polytricha – Turkey, woolly cushions with yellow flowers, very early blossom, sunny and dry places in limestone rocks, one of the most beautiful Draba forms
D.pygmaea – very small plant, dense cushions with yellow flowers, limestone rocks
DRYAS (Pinkceae)
D.drummondii – NW-USA, flat cushions with slightly hairy leaves, yellow flowers, sunny places in limestone
D.octopetala v.tenella – easy to grow, small leaves, very compact, limestone and a sunny site
D. “Flava” – nice hybrid of D.octopetala and drummondii, yellow flowers
EDRAIANTHUS (Campanulaceae)
E.graminifolius v.apenninus – Gran Sasso, Abruzzo Mts. Italy, differing form, big flowers, sunny sites in limestone
E.horvatii – Macedonia, similar to graminifolius, smaller with hairy leaves, blue flowers, sunny sites in limestone
E.kerneri – Montenegro, very pointed leaves, big blue flowers, limestone rocks
E.montenegrinus v.alpinus – Montenegro, dwarfish cushions, big blue flowers, limestone rocks
E.montenegrinus v.durmitorensis – Mt. flowers in umbels of 2-3, limestone rocks
E.niveus – Bosnia Herzegovina, similar to graminifolius with white or crème coloured flowers, rare, limestone rocks
E.pumilio – Biokovo, 1300m, Croatia, famous form, dwarf cushions with silvery grey leaves, violet-blue big flowers, sunny sites in limestone rocks, perhaps the most beautiful form, from wild seed
E.serbicus – Bulgaria, small cushions, blue flowers in bunches, limestone rocks
E.serpyllifolius – dark green cushions with very big dark violet flowers, partial shade, limestone rocks
E.zogovicii – Montenegro, small cushions, very big flowers, limestone rocks
E.vesovicii – Macedonia, small cushions, big blue-violet flowers
The following forms are available only in small numbers at a price of 4,- € each!
Edraianthus glisicii – Montenegro, endemic form from the Tara canyon, new in cultivation and very rare, small plant with pointed leaves and extremely big, bright violet flowers, limestone rocks
E.kitaibelii v.pusillus – Velebit Mts., Croatia, pointed leaves, blue flowers, limestone rocks
E.pilossulus – Montenegro, smaller plant similar to E.serpyllifolius, big flowers, limestone rocks
E.tarae (syn. Protoedraianthus tarae) – endemic form from the Tara canyon, flowers are very different as compared to the other forms, thy are very big and white, new in cultivation
ERIGERON (Compositae)
E.simplex – NW-USA, small plant with grey leaves, pink or blue flowers, sunny places, limestone
ERINACEA (Leguminosae)
E.anthyllis “Alhambra” – Southern Spain, spiny dwarf genista with grey-green shoots and blue flowers, full sun and good drainage, limestone, stony substratum, the selected form grows slowly, the flowers are of a darker blue
FIBIGIA (Cruciferae)
F.triquetra – Croatia, woolly grey plant with bright yellow flowers, sunny places in limestone rocks, stands strong drought and high temperatures
GENTIANA (Gentianaceae)
G.clusii – popular species with strong leaves and big, dark blue flowers, limestone, sunny places, not too humid
G.dinarica – Gran Sasso, Abruzzo Mts., similar to G.clusii with broad leaves and very big flowers, full sun, limestone, rather dry
G.dinarica – Majella, Abruzzi Mts., same form, different origin
G.favratii – (G.brachyphylla ssp.favratii) Dolomites, small plant similar to the “spring gentian” G.verna but with shorter, round leaves, azure blue flowers, sunny and rather dry sites in humus rich limestone scree
G.georgei – Min Shan, China, rare form, rosettes consisting of narrow leaves, big violet flowers, limestone, 4,-€
G.pumila – Steiner Alps, a very small plant with narrow leaves, blue flowers, requires moist places, limestone, not easy to cultivate Western Alps, young plants!
G.straminea – Quinghai, China, rosette-forming with yellow flowers, sunny places, limestone
G.szechenyi – Quinghai, China, similar to G.georgei, white or pink flowers, rare form, 4,-€
G.verna – Western Alps, the best known “spring gentian”, the Western Alpine form has narrower leaves and grows in rather dry places on limestone, young plants
GERANIUM (Geraniaceae)
G.dalmaticum – rather small plant with big rose-coloured flowers, limestone rocks or gravel, plenty of sun, Dalmatia
G.sanguineum v.nanum – Turkey, small plant with dark purple flowers, full sun, limestone
GLOBULARIA (Globulariaceae)
G.incanescens – small species from the Northern Apennines, light blue flowers, no limestone
G.meridionalis – Biokovo, Croatia, flat cushions, small form, blue flowers, sunny sites in limestone rocks
G.punctata –Ali Botusch, similar to the previous one but bigger, limestone rocks
G.repens – Pyrenees, Pena de Oroel, small leaves, for narrow limestone rock fissures, blue flowers, sunny sites
G.stygia – Chelmos Mts., Greece, dwarfish plant, big light blue flowers, sunny dry places in limestone rocks or scree
G.valentina – Peña de Oroel near Jaca, Spain, 1700 m, cushion forming plant with grey-green leaves, light blue flower heads, full sun in limestone, beautiful form!
GYPSOPHILA (Caryophyllaceae)
G.aretioides v.caucasica – Northern Iran, firm cushions with tiny rosettes, small light pink flowers, extremely dense and firm in nature, sunny and dry sites in limestone rocks
INCARVILLEA (Bignoniaceae)
I.younghusbandii – Tibet, 5200m, small plant, leaves out of a bulbous root stock lay flat on the ground, very big pink flowers with almost no stem, requires very good drainage, no limestone, disappears in
IRIS-Hybrids of the „barbata-nana“- group
dwarf hybrids with abundant blossom, only 20 to 30 cm tall, flowers of all known Iris colours, often several colours together or “barbs” of different colours on the petals, you will get 6 hybrids from excellent forms and of different colours for 10,- €, the plants will be shipped as rhizome parts without substratum
KELSEYA (Pinkceae)
K.uniflora – Idaho, USA, small cushions formed by tiny rosettes, rare plant for the alpine house, limestone rocks
L.nivale – Gran Sasso, Abruzzi Mts., the most beautiful “edelweiss”, round short leaves, big flowers, everything covered with white hair, sunny, meagre substratum, limestone, not too moist!
MYOSOTIS (Boraginaceae)
M.decora – syn.colensoi, New Zealand, forms flat mats, white flowers, limestone rocks, not too dry!
M.spec.Eyre Mts. – a form of M.pulvinaris or a new form, cushion forming with dark green, haired rosettes, white sessile flowers, easy to grow, abundant blossom, no limestone, a perfect plant!
OXALIS (Oxalidaceae)
O. “UTE” – one of my own hybrids form O.enneaphylla and O.laciniata, bulbous root stock with strongly fringed silvery leaves and big, light pink flowers, full sun, good drainage, no limestone, totally hardy
O. “TINA” - one of my own hybrids from O.laciniata and O.enneaphylla, similar to O.“Ute”, pink flowers, similar to O.laciniata, on sale for the first time
PAPAVER (Papaveraceae)
P.alpinum – Alps, yellow alpine poppy with hairy leaves, sunny places in limestone scree
PHLOX (Polemoniaceae)
P. “Ochsenblut” – beautiful hybrid, flat cushions with red flowers, full sun
PHYSOPLEXIS (Campanulaceae)
P.comosa – Tremalzo pass, grows at shady sites, one of the most famous rampions, limestone rocks, not too dry!
P.comosa v.pubescens – a form from the Valle Vallarsa, Italy, at only 800 m, leaves are firm and slightly haired, stands sun and dryness, very nice form!
PHYTEUMA (Campanulaceae)
Ph.confusum – Eastern Alps, smaller form with dark-blue flowers, rock crevices or scree, no limestone
Ph.hemisphaericum – Western Alps, Le Ecot, small plant with narrow leaves, blue flower heads, narrow rock fissures, no limestone
PLEIONE (Orchidaceae)
Pl.limprichtii – small, hardy orchid from Tibet, partial or full shade, humus-rich, loose substratum made of wood soil, peat, moss, sand or bark; slightly more moist in summer, relatively big, violet-pink flowers, very beautiful, one bulb capable of blooming for 1 €!, care instructions are included.
PRIMULA (Primulaceae)
P.allionii – a very special plant, it is endemic in a very small part of the Maritime Alps and grows in the narrowest fissures in limestone cliffs, cushion-forming with very small rosettes, flowers pink on very short stems, the shape of the leaves and the colour of the flowers are very variable, suitable for the alpine house but also in the open, in shady limestone rock fissures with protection against direct rain
P.allionii – varieties – see the extra list at the end!
P.allionii – variable plants risen from seeds, let’s wait and see!
P.auricula – Eastern Alps, leaves with a little white farina, yellow flowers, limestone rocks, easy to grow
P.auricula – Gran Sasso, rare form, hardly farinaceous leaves, limestone rocks
P.auricula ssp.albocincta – Bergamask Alps, farinaceous form, yellow flowers
P.auricula v. balbisii – Dolomites, smaller form, hardly farinaceous
P.spectabilis – Southern Alps around lake Garda, nice flat rosettes, purple flowers, very beautiful, limestone
PULSATILLA (Ranunculaceae)
P.grandis – Eastern Alps, small plant with pubescent leaves and very big violet-purple flowers on stems of 15 cm, full sun on stony limestone substratum
P.vernalis – Western Alps, Le Ecot, well known “anemone” with very big white flowers, sunny, no limestone, meagre substratum
RANUNCULUS (Ranunculaceae)
R.glacialis – Southern Alps, high alpine form with cleft leaves and big white flowers, no limestone, moist places, no limestone, difficult in cultivation!
R.seguieri – Dolomites, small form with strongly cleft leaves, big white flowers, limestone scree, dormant in summer
Rhododendron- small forms for the rock garden, the price for the following forms is 6,-€
Rh.campylogonum – China, violet-red, pendant little flower bells
Rh.caucasicum – Caucasus, light yellow, grows very slowly
Rh.forrestii v.repens – Western China, red flowers, grows flat on the ground
Rh.foprrestii “Carmen” – selected form
Rh.keleticum “radicans” - grows very flat on the ground, small plant with purple flowers
Rh.keleticum “Ludger” – like the previous, but more erect growth
Rh.kiusianum “Beni Shidori” – orange-pink
Rh.“Luci” – very big white flowers
Rh.ludlowii “Curlew” – dwarfish form with yellow flowers
RH.impeditum – Himalaya, light blue
Rh.“Kermesina” – red
Rh.radostrotum – China , blue-violet
Rh.telmateium – China, blue-violet
Rh.“Wildenstein” – salmon pink
Rh.“Pink Cascade” – pink, grows very flat on the ground
Rh. “Schneeberg” – white
Rh. “St.Meryn” - violet
SAPONARIA (Caryopyllaceae)
S.lutea – Western Alps, Mt. Malamot, compact green cushions with yellow flowers, full sun in dry limestone rocks
SAXIFRAGA (Saxifragaceae)
S.andersonii – Nepal, Annapurna region, encrusted rosettes with white to light pink flowers, no limestone
S.burseriana – Dolomites, hard cushions with grey little leaves and big white flowers, limestone rocks
S.burseriana v.crenata – very compact form, white flowers, limestone rocks
S.burseriana “Minehaha”– very big flowers, small rosettes
S.burseriana “Gloria” – bigger rosettes, big flowers, limestone
S.burseriana “Seissera” – nice form with tightly stacked leaves, abundant blossom
S.callosa v.australis – Gran Sasso, Abruzzi Mts., very compact form with small rosettes, white flowers in umbels, good form for dry and sunny places, becomes very hard
S.cebennensis – rare plant from Southern France, bright green soft cushions with white flowers, a rarity
S.cochlearis – Maritime Alps, hard cushions with encrusted rosettes, white flowers, full sun, limestone
S.cochlearis v.minor – selected form with especially small rosettes
S. x columpoda – natural hybrid, Caucasus, S.columnaris x scleropoda, small cushions, yellow-orange flowers, limestone
S.crustata – Eastern Alps, Dolomites, encrusted rosettes, white flowers, sunny places on limestone rocks
S.crustata v.minor – beautiful small form with encrusted rosettes, white flowers, limestone rocks
S.dinnikii “Stasek” – selected form, big pink flowers, small cushions for partial shade in limestone rocks
S. x dinninaris – hybrid S.dinnikii x columnaris, very small rosettes, big pink flowers, limestone
S.flagellaris – Tien Shan, easy to grow, bright green rosettes with short tillers and bright yellow flowers, early blossom, not too dry in finely granulated gravel which contains some humus
S.ferdinand- coburgii – Bulgaria, hard cushions of nice grey rosettes, yellow flowers, sunny limestone rocks
S.ferd.-coburgii – small form from Mt. Orelek
S.karadzicensis x scardica – natural hybrid, Macedonia, limestone rocks, forms nice cushions with white flowers
S.khiakhensis – recently discovered form from Mt. Khiakh, Caucasus, small cushions of encrusted rosettes, white flowers, limestone rocks, new in cultivation, young plans!
S.kotschyi – Turkey, hard cushions with yellow flowers, limestone rocks, young plants!
S.kusnezowiana – Caucasus, dark green hard cushions with yellow flowers, limestone rocks
S.longifolia – Pyrenees, limestone rocks, popular form with big rosettes and lots of white flowers, sunny places, raised from wild seeds, Peña de Oroel 1.700 m
S.longifolia-hybr. – selected form with smaller rosettes in nice cushions, abundant blossom
S.longifolia–hybr. selected form – small rosettes, forms nice cushions, leaves become red in winter
S.llonakhensis – rare plant from Tibet, forms nice green cushions with yellow flowers
S.luteo-purpurea – natural hybrid of S,media and S.aretioides, Pyrenees, limestone, reddish flowers
S.marginata – Macedonia, small rosettes, big flowers, dry sites in limestone rock
S.marginata v. boryi – Greece, hard cushions with big white flowers, sunny limestone rocks, grows very slowly – Pyrenees, silvery-grey rosettes, red flowering stems, limestone rocks
S.paniculata v.baldensis – Mt. Baldo, very small form, nice in sunny tufa rocks
S.porophylla – Abruzzi Mts., very small plant with red spadices, sunny places in limestone rocks young plants, rare!
S.presolanensis – delicate, grey-green cushions with green-yellow flowers, not very beautiful but very rare, endemic form from Mt. Presolana, Italy, shady sites in limestone rocks
S.pubescens “Snowcup” – nice selected form, dark green cushions, white flowers, abundant blossom, no limestone
S.ramsarica – Iran, small plant, forms dense rosettes, big white flowers, sunny places in limestone rocks, grows very slowly, young plants!
S.unifoveolata – Caucasus, yellow flowers, very dwarfish, limestone
S.valdensis – very small plants, tiny rosettes, white flowers, sunny places, limestone
S.spec.MCB 1475 – Nepal, similar to S.andersonii, white flowers
S.spec. Debu – Nepal, small hard cushions, white flowers, no limestone
S. x “Satchmo” dark purple, partial shae
S. x “Sissi” pink
S. x “W.Shakespeare” pink-red
S. x “Leonardo da Vinci” light red (S.kotschyi x “Radvan Horny)
S. x “Favorit” yellow
S. x “Jan Preisler” light red, new
S. x “Quarry Wood” violet
SS. x “Anna” yellow
S. x “Salome” yellow
S. x “Rosina Sündermann” white
S. x “Beatles” purple-red
S. x “Bilekii” yellow
S. x “P.P.Rubens” pink-red (S.SEP 22 x Winifred x lowndesii)
S. x “Krasava” pink
S. x “Klondike” yellow
S. x “Excellent” pink-red (S.violetcina x lowndesii)
S. x “Corona” yellow
S. x “Wilhelm Tell” yellow
S. x “Radvan Horny” dark-pink
S. x “Becky Foster” yellow
S. x “Primrose Dame” yellow
S. x “Gold Dust” yellow
S. x “Lismore Carmine” pink
S. x “Martin Luther” pink, new
S. x “Thor Heyerdahl” pink, new
S. x “Bertramka” yellow
S. x “Fosters Gold” bright yellow
S. x “Drakula” yellow
S. x “Laka” pink, abundant blossom
S. x “Morava” violet-red
S. x “Snehurka” white, big flowers
S. x “Amberine” salmon pink
S. x “Krivoklat” yellow, big flowers
S. x “Myriad Seedling” pink
S. x “Irene Bacci” pink
S. x “Lindau” pink
S. x “Allendale Hobbit” white
S. x “Alan Martin” pink
S. x “Kampa” yellow-orange
S. x “Orion” yellow
S. x “Dana” pink
S. x “Cream Seedling” crème-coloured
S. x “Lilac Time” violet-pink
S. x “Kirke” purple
S. x “Maurice Prichard” pink
S. x “Josef Capek” pink
S. x “Eva Hanzlikova” orange
S. x “Bozi Dar” yellow
S. x “Stan Laurel” pink
S. x “Nancye” pink
S. x “Allendale Joy” pink
S. x “Bohemian Paradise” pink
SEDUM (Crassulaceae)
S.pilosum – Turkey, rosettes similar to a small Sempervivum, pink flowers, rosettes turn reddish in winter, sunny and dry sites in limestone rocks, seeds itself in tufa, monocarp
SEMPERVIVUM (Crassulaceae)
S.ciliosum ssp.borisii – Pirin, limestone rocks, strongly haired rosettes, yellow flowers, sunny and dry sites, one of the most beautiful sempervivum forms
S.ciliosum ssp. galicicum – Macedonia, beautiful form, young plants
SOLDANELLA (Primulaceae)
S.carpatica – Tatra, Mts., smaller form with violet flowers, no limestone
S.minima – South Eastern Alps, very small plant with relatively big, mostly white flowers, limestone, rather humid soil
S.montana – robust form for humus-rich soil, partial shade, no limestone
S.samnitica – Abruzzi Mts., Italy very rare form similar to S.minima, violet flowers, moist lime soil, a rarity!
VITALIANA (Primulaceae)
V.primuliflora – Type Pyrenees, flat, repent, green rosettes, abundant blossom, no limestone
V.primuliflora v.assoana – Sierra Nevada, Spain, small rosettes with silvery leaves, abundant blossom, compact, in nature on limestone-free soil but stands limestone in the garden
V.primuliflora v.cinerea – South Western Alps, nicely white felted plant, abundant blossom, limestone
V.primuliflora v.praetutiana - grey-green, dense cushions, limestone form from Mount Gran Sasso, Abruzzo Mountains, sunny, dry, the best form, abundant blossom, easy to grow
VIOLA (Violaceae)
V.alpina – Eastern Alps, small plant with big blue flowers, very beautiful but difficult, humus-rich lime soil, not too moist, better in the alpine house, young plants 4,-€ each
Extra list – Primula allionii
A detailed description of every species is very difficult, the flowers are mostly pink but with a big variety. I only propagated the most beautiful out of over 300 different forms.
Primula allionii does not grow in the high alpine regions, but in regions about 1000 meters above sea level, being influenced by the Mediterranean Sea. The flowering usually begins at the end of February. However, the climate is marked by extremes like snow and frost during the flowering period, dryness during the summer months and strong storms with a lot of precipitation.
The best cultivation results can be obtained in the alpine house or raised bed. In the open it is also possible to have success if suitable sites are created. Vertical limestone rock or tufa crevices with some protection against direct rainfall and partial shade are very good. Its worth all the effort when the dense cushions are covered by the beautiful flowers.
Primula allionii certainly belongs to the most beautiful alpine plants and because of its big variety it’s a nice collection object.
Broxbourne Elke Weiß Christina Diane
Edinburgh Viscountess Byng Claude Flight Lismore Treasure
K.R.Wooster Stephen Broadwell Pink Roya Snow
During the last years I have been selecting some very nice clones out of a big number of P.allionii, but they are available only in a very limited amount. There are about 50 different clones at the moment.
There are some really remarkable colours and forms with extremely abundant blossom!
I can deliver young plants from some new selections of the last 10 years. As it is difficult to describe the different colours, please indicate your wishes concerning colour, blossom, suitability for cultivation in the open etc. and I will select the matching plants for you.
The following forms are summarized in an extra list because they originate from similar habitats with similar conditions. Patagonia is characterised by a very rough climate. Long dry periods alternate with very wet periods, depending on the position of the corresponding mountain ridges and their influence on the rain clouds. There are often strong winds and storms with hurricane force are common in the mountains. The soil is poor in humus and meagre, stony, clayey, often of volcanic origin and very permeable to water. Temperatures reach 30°C in summer in the lower regions; in winter strong frost with temperatures as low as -20°C are common in the mountains.
The snow mantle is very variable depending on the region; often there is no snow at all in dry regions. In the garden you should use a very permeable substratum, without limestone, only little humus and sparse doses of water. Some of the following plants are totally new in cultivation; there might be errors in their identification which will be corrected as soon as the first flowers appear!
Because of their rareness, the price for all following forms is 4,-€ per plant!
Alstroemeria patagonica – Cerro Retondo near El Calafate, smallest form, rosettes of very few centimetres formed by grey-green leaves, yellow or orange single flowers, most beautiful form for the rock garden or alpine house, sunny and dry in sandy substratum, disappears in summer, you will get rhizomes
Anemone multifida – El Calafate, Santa Cruz, up to 30 cm high, crème-yellow flowers, sunny, dry
Azorella madreporica – La Hoya, Esquel, in nature rock-hard, smaller rosettes with yellow flowers, dry, stony substratum, full sun, young plants
Bolax gummifera – Southern Patagonia, forms perfect cushions made of small rosettes, inconspicuous flowers, not too dry in humus-rich pebbly substratum, in the alpine house or with winter protection
Calceolaria darwinii – (Syn.C.uniflora) Cerro Retondo near El Calafate, Santa Cruz, well known form, forms small cushions with big singular flowers; basic colour is yellow with a white stripe at the flowers rim and a reddish-brown centre, requires sunny sites and permeable soil, protection against precipitation in winter, C.darwinii is NOT a peat land plant!
Caltha appendiculata – Menelik, small cushion forming plant with crème-yellow flowers, very dense cushions which can be stepped upon in its natural habitat, rather moist sunny sites
Combera paradoxa – Cerro La Hoya near Esquel, small plant, shoots lay flat, white flowers on the tip of the shoots, stony substratum, extremely rare plant, probably the first plants in cultivation propagated from wild seeds, 8,- € PER PLANT
Draba antarctica – Mt. Leon, Patagonia, small plant with woolly rosettes, white flowers, full sun, rather dry
Huanaca andina – Cerro La Hoya, tiny plant with cleft leaves and small yellow flowers in umbels
Nassauvia dusenii – Mt. Zeballos, 1700m, cushion forming plant with nice blue-grey and spiny leaves and curious furrows, white flowers, sunny sites in rather moist scree
Mutisia oligodon – Cerro Colohuincul, climbing plant, in nature up to 30 cm, in cultivation slightly higher, very big pink flowers similar to a gerbera, very interesting plant, sunny and rather dry places
Saxifraga magellanica – El Calafate, cushion-forming plant with grey-green rosettes, white flowers, rocks with partial shade
Tarasa humilis – Paso Pino Hachado, small plant with cleft woolly grey leaves, bright violet-pink flowers similar to a mallow flower, sunny places with good drainage, not too moist, for me one of the most beautiful South America alpine plants
During the past 25 years I have provided you with rare species for your rock gardens or alpine houses. During those years I have gained more and more customers and today I deliver plants to many European countries. However, my propagation and cultivation facilities have not grown; neither have my working time and capacities. Therefore, I would ask you for your patience when it comes to delivery times. All plant orders will be executed as fast as possible, but there is a lot of work and many orders especially during spring and autumn. Also, there are many plant market and exhibition events and delivery is impossible during those times because we simply lack time for packaging and shipping.
There are some very rare plants which I can propagate only in small amounts. Therefore, I can only deliver small numbers per customer and order. Thus, more customers will get those treasured rarities at extremely low prices.
When paying by bank transfer, please indicate your invoice number as stated on your invoice! Often, I’m not able to match incoming payments with customers and have to search the matching invoice out of hundreds of invoices, only because of the missing invoice number!
I hope I can count you as a satisfied customer in the coming years and hope you enjoy my plants.
Due to the relocation of the B174 motorway, it is a little bit more difficult to get to our nursery by car. If you come from the North, you should drive on highway A4 or A72 to Chemnitz. Then take the “Südring” direction “Marienberg” (B174). You will find yourself on a new, four lanes motorway. Leave this motorway at the first exit, drive left over the bridge, then right and you will be on the old B174, where you will find us as always leaving the B174 direction “Kleinolbersdorf”.
If you come from the South, leave the new four lane motorway B174 at the exit marked “Kleinolbersdorf-Altenhain”, turn left direction “Gewerbegebiet” and then right.
Gerd Stopp
Nursery for Special Cultivations
Shakespearestr. 10
09127 Chemnitz
Tel: +49 371 772007
Fax: +49 371 7750623