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Scottish Rock Garden Club Do you regularly read the Forum , the Bulb Log or the International Rock Gardener ? Do you really enjoy visiting the Forum and have registered to enable you to take part? Do you just come here as a happy "Lurker" to read and enjoy the Forum?Here is a request to those of you reading this who are not fully paid up members of the Scottish Rock Garden Club, but who nevertheless are able to search these pages and benefit from them: Please seriously consider joining the SRGC.... it is easily achieved online, see here: As part of the remit of the SRGC to encourage the interest in and knowledge of rock garden plants, the website and forum is (with the exception of a tiny area only for registered forum members) open to all to read, enjoy, register and contribute to the Forum. Provision of this facility does not happen by magic, however: it takes effort, and, as with most things, certain amounts of cold hard cash! While the costs of hosting the website and forum, (the payments for bandwidth and so on) are minuscule in comparison to the costs of producing the Journal (and capable of reaching far larger numbers, it must be said) they are still costs which must be met by the SRGC. All of the work of the SRGC is done by volunteers, of course. I would like to urge all of you who appreciate this website and Forum to give thought to how, very simply, you might easily help to support its future.... Join the SRGC.... you will not only have the satisfaction of knowing you are contributing to the upkeep of this place, but also you will receive the super twice yearly journal, be eligible to take part in the seed exchange, have free entry to all SRGC Shows, the chance to become a member of a local Group for those of you in the UK.....goodness me.... how could you resist? Or, as an alternative: The sharp eyed amongst you will have noticed a new banner at the foot of each Forum Page This enables anyone to make a donation to the Scottish Rock Garden Club, via PayPal.We know that many folks who are not members of the SRGC do find the Forum very useful, in so many ways and this is a simple way for them to make a gift of money to the Club in appreciation of information the Club and the Forum has provided. Or you may just feel the SRGC website and Forum are an integral part of your gardening life and want to show your thanks For whatever reason, we hope the addition of this facility will prove useful to those of you who have asked how you might easily make a contribution to Club Funds in thanks for 'services rendered' !The PayPal system is secure, none of your card details are passed to the Club.You may use it to make any donation large or small.... all will be gratefully received to help support the Club in its work online.