![Great offer on Yasemin Konuralp Book, Wild Flowers of Turkey](https://www.srgc.org.uk/forum/index.php?PHPSESSID=4aea125967c08a6d16bba9fcca1e2404&action=dlattach;topic=15311.0;attach=571909;image)
Ian received a copy of a very interesting book some time ago, which he reviewed in his Bulb Log and I would like to share it with you once more -
It is a Field Guide to the Wild Flowers of Turkey by Yasemin Konuralp, ISBN 978-605-89610-6-7:
this the second edition which covers the bulbous species along with some others. It is a paperback of 484 pages measuring 23.5 cm x 14cm and so has a reasonable but not excessive weight to take into the field.
Towards the front is a very useful visual key to help anyone unfamiliar with the plant families to locate the relevant section of the book.
Also towards the front is a map, shown below, showing Turkey divided into its regions.
![Great offer on Yasemin Konuralp Book, Wild Flowers of Turkey](https://www.srgc.org.uk/forum/index.php?PHPSESSID=4aea125967c08a6d16bba9fcca1e2404&action=dlattach;topic=15311.0;attach=571911;image)
Ian wrote : "The Author has long experience of leading trips into the field and for many years has been observing and photographing the plants which she now shares with us in this volume.
Obviously some compromises have had to be made in the printing but for the most part the pictures come out well with an accurate colour which will undoubtedly prove most useful when trying to identify the plants you are seeing.
Even though this is described as a field guide I think it will also be most useful and interesting for anyone interested in growing bulbs, I will find it an aid to checking the names of plants that I have raised from seed, or just to enjoy the beauty of such a botanically rich country. "
You can purchase the book for a bargain price of £25 plus £2.80 p &P through this Amazon link :
https://www.amazon.co.uk/d/Books/Wild-Flowers-Turkey-1-L-Yasemin-Konuralp/6058961068/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1491302336&sr=8-1&keywords=Wild+Flowers+of+Turkey++Yasemin+KonuralpThe photos here are from Ian's review....
![Great offer on Yasemin Konuralp Book, Wild Flowers of Turkey](https://www.srgc.org.uk/forum/index.php?PHPSESSID=4aea125967c08a6d16bba9fcca1e2404&action=dlattach;topic=15311.0;attach=571913;image)
![Great offer on Yasemin Konuralp Book, Wild Flowers of Turkey](https://www.srgc.org.uk/forum/index.php?PHPSESSID=4aea125967c08a6d16bba9fcca1e2404&action=dlattach;topic=15311.0;attach=571915;image)