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John, they like plenty of water in a well drained compost. I pot them in the usual alpine mix for acid loving pants, they don't like lime. They get the odd feed of miracid and seaweed fertilizer when I remember, and are kept in the alpine-house at all times because of our wet and unpredictable climate. I have some seedlings but they are still very small. BTY I got the original from Lesley.
Is this Townsendia spathulata?Most of them finished flowering and this is the last one in the rock garden flowering now.
3 oxalisses from Patagonia:1. Oxalis laciniata 'Seven Bells'.2. Oxalis laciniata 'Lago Verde'.3. Oxalis laciniata 'Astrid'.
The move should stimulate it. I will be watching for flowers next year.
Pinguicula grandiflora rosea.These and the white one I showed a few days ago are from seed sown in July 2014. (Attachment Link)
What a photo, Gerrit! Amazing colours.
A miniature Rhododendron has just come into flower. It looks like an arctic species? img. 1020587. It is sunny and hot here.
Here is a picture of Silene dinarica. Endemic in the Fagaras mountains in Romania, 2200 meters. The plant stands by my friends in the Arctic garden in Chemnitz ... please excuse the bad quality.
What a lovely plant Graham. That there are purple, white and pink forms suggest that maybe deeper pinks may be a possibility at some stage if one continues to raise from seed. (I'm always hopeful and optimistic. )Was your seed from a commercial source and if so, could you PM me with the source please?. It is a permitted species here so I'd love to try seed of these other forms.