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Some pictures of the Myddleton House Sale in full swing (about 10 minutes after they let us in) (Attachment Link) (Attachment Link) (Attachment Link) (Attachment Link) I thank I can see Matt T in some of the pictures; sadly I didn't spot him at the time and never managed to say hello.
A quick journey home was a great relief after the Myddelton Sale. It was quite like the old days a good SRGC contingent and great to meet Matt T, Emma, Zepherine, Neil, Richard Williams, Richard Webb, Kentish Lass, Viv, Debby, Arthur, Chas, Jane, David and Rachel et al The bacon baps were brilliant, and the soup was souperb (sorry). I hope all enjoyed it as much as I did and The Norfolk Eye had a good walk whilst we were all succumbing to the fever!
John Grimshaw is speaking at Kalmthout today ..... and he says " A great selection of snowdrops available at @ Arboretumkalmthout Sneeuwklokjes-weekend...... (Attachment Link) I can see some well- known faces there!