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White Campion cultivars wanted (or pale pink too).
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Topic: White Campion cultivars wanted (or pale pink too). (Read 2763 times)
'finder of the light'
Hero Member
Posts: 3976
White Campion cultivars wanted (or pale pink too).
June 13, 2017, 07:52:57 AM »
There are very many cultivars of Red Campion, Silene dioica, that seem to have been amassed over hundreds of years. The RHS Plant Finder lists 35 results; I grow a few myself. I was looking at these the other day and wondering why they were all red - that is why I had no representatives of White Campion, Silene latifolia. In the area where I live White Campion is much more abundant than Red, by 100:1 or more. But when I looked I found that there are no cultivars listed by the RHS, no double form, nothing with variegated leaves. It seems such an odd contrast between two plants that, apart from flower colour, appear very similar. But sometimes plants exist in gardens that the RHS doesn't know about so I just thought I would ask if anyone here grows White Campion with an unusual (non-standard) form. Or if anyone can suggest a reason for the disparity of cultivar numbers between the two campions.
Last Edit: June 13, 2017, 08:46:32 AM by Alan_b
Almost in Scotland.
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Re: White Campion cultivars wanted
Reply #1 on:
June 13, 2017, 08:18:47 AM »
Isn't S. latifolia usually biennial, while S. dioica is (mostly) perennial?
'finder of the light'
Hero Member
Posts: 3976
Re: White Campion cultivars wanted
Reply #2 on:
June 13, 2017, 08:45:11 AM »
Oh, maybe that's it! I looked up two companies that sell seeds of Silene latifolia, one described it as biennial and the other as a hardy perennial. Short-lived, it would appear, so any cultivar would probably need to come true from seed. That could happen but must be relatively unlikely which would explain the disparity in cultivar numbers.
One sometimes sees pale pink forms of campion that I had read were crosses between Silene latifolia and Silene dioica. I wonder how long-lived these are? Does anyone grow a cultivar of this type? And presumably a white long-lived form of Silene dioica, should it exist, would pass unnoticed except by the very observant.
Last Edit: June 13, 2017, 08:48:38 AM by Alan_b
Almost in Scotland.
'finder of the light'
Hero Member
Posts: 3976
Re: White Campion cultivars wanted (or pale pink too).
Reply #3 on:
June 13, 2017, 11:36:15 AM »
I have turned my attention to Silene dioica. The RHS lists Silene dioica 'Alba Plena' (d) and Silene dioica f. lactea but neither with any current vendors. Both would appear to be white and the former a double white so I was looking in the wrong species for a double white campion, it would seem.
Almost in Scotland.
Matt T
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Re: White Campion cultivars wanted (or pale pink too).
Reply #4 on:
June 13, 2017, 08:07:34 PM »
An added bonus of
Silene latifolia
is the lovely evening scent.
Matt Topsfield
Isle of Benbecula, Western Isles where it is mild, windy and wet! Zone 9b
"There is no mistake too dumb for us to make"
'finder of the light'
Hero Member
Posts: 3976
Re: White Campion cultivars wanted (or pale pink too).
Reply #5 on:
June 14, 2017, 07:24:05 AM »
Would that be a distinguishing feature from Silene dioica, Matt? I've been wondering how one could tell a white form of Silene dioca from Silene latifolia, other than by waiting to see how long it lives.
Almost in Scotland.
Paul Cumbleton
Pleione Wizard
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Re: White Campion cultivars wanted (or pale pink too).
Reply #6 on:
June 14, 2017, 05:28:50 PM »
My wild flower book gives two distinguishing features: 1. In Red Campion (Silene dioica) the lower leaves have winged stalks whereas in White Campion (Silene latifolia) the lower leaves are unwinged.
2. The ripe fruits of Red Campion have teeth which roll right back when ripe, whereas in White Campion the teeth are more or less erect.
To add to the confusion, there is an albino sport of Red Campion - this is distinguished from White Campion by having purer white flowers and triangular calyx teeth.
Paul Cumbleton, Somerton, Somerset, U.K. Zone 8b (U.S. system plant hardiness zone)
I occasionally sell spare plants on ebay -
Matt T
Hero Member
Posts: 1849
Nuts about Narcissus
Re: White Campion cultivars wanted (or pale pink too).
Reply #7 on:
June 14, 2017, 08:18:07 PM »
You can also distinguish S latifolia from white-flowered S. dioica by the calyx teeth - 4.5-8 mm long in the former, only 2-2.5 mm in S. dioica.
Also, S, latifolia normally show some red or purple pigment in the sepals, which would be lacking in white S. dioica.
Matt Topsfield
Isle of Benbecula, Western Isles where it is mild, windy and wet! Zone 9b
"There is no mistake too dumb for us to make"
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Posts: 173
Re: White Campion cultivars wanted (or pale pink too).
Reply #8 on:
June 14, 2017, 09:13:57 PM »
I have a Silene with the name 'Mauve', it came from Keith Wiley's garden Wildside. It really is a slightly strange colour & I assume it's a hybrid between dioica & latifolia. It's a male plant, so no seedlings.
Malcolm A.J. Allison, Cheltenham, Gloucestershire
ian mcdonald
Hero Member
Posts: 2392
Re: White Campion cultivars wanted (or pale pink too).
Reply #9 on:
June 15, 2017, 12:18:34 PM »
We rarely have the true S. dioica here. They seem to be hybrids. For red dioica you need to go north. White campion are declining in our area, they used to be common on roadside verges and under hedges but the verges are mown and the hedges removed.
Olive Mason
Posts: 26
Re: White Campion cultivars wanted (or pale pink too).
Reply #10 on:
June 15, 2017, 02:25:03 PM »
Which part of the country are you Ian?
Not only snowdrops
ian mcdonald
Hero Member
Posts: 2392
Re: White Campion cultivars wanted (or pale pink too).
Reply #11 on:
June 15, 2017, 03:49:16 PM »
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White Campion cultivars wanted (or pale pink too).
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