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Wonderful pristine crocuses Janis Here in my garden karduchorum, vallicola and pulchellus struggled against the rain and slugs this year.Very interesting to see a Latvian honeybee. Are they usually so yellow?
Nice pictures as always Janis and an impressive look over your collection.I have some Crocus that puzzled me last year. I have got them as Crocus salmannii. Today they opened their flowers together with Crocus zubovii and I realised that they are probably this species.Crocus zubovii (Attachment Link)
Latvian native bees are darker and very furious, tended to swarming. I worked with them in young years. They are very winter hard and productive. But now true (clean, unhibridized strains) are only in few isolated localities. I'm working now with Kraina strain - peaceful and productive. Not so good in our winters, but working with them is pleasure.