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how do you identify galanthus They all look same to me
Thank you, Alan I've already sent a copy of your comment to my friend.This yellow is probably stable. The friend of mine gave me this as "yellowish snowdrop" and it shows same colour at my place
Hope you have plenty tulips planted in the garden, Ingrid - you're going to need some flowers to enjoy in the "real" Spring!
Turkey has such a wealth of beautiful and different snowdrop species. Start with the leaves: colour shape and size. Then look at the green mark on the inner petals; how extensive is it? Or take a photograph, post it here and we will tell you what it is. Your nearest snowdrop might well be Galanthus plicatus subsp. byzantinus, which I think they call the Istanbul Snowdrop in Turkey. If you want a challenge, see if you can find an autumn-flowering form of this snowdrop; something unknown to botanists but which I have heard rumours of, growing not too far from where you are in Eskişehir.
Alan thank you so much about your tips. I've never seen galanthus in wild around Eskişehir. The climate here is continental. But Bursa Bolu are very close to Eskişehir yet they have different climate. So I will try my chance
Finally, Godfrey Owen, the first of my Pocs also increasing well.
Here are my first ones for this blooming season. I thought it was G. elwesii but now I read that this species flowers in autumn? So I really don't know what snowdrop it is.